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10 Portraits of the Latest Condition of Oki Setiana Dewi's Child who has a Congenital Disorder, Already Released Feeding Tube - Routine Physiotherapy

10 Portraits of the Latest Condition of Oki Setiana Dewi's Child who has a Congenital Disorder, Already Released Feeding Tube - Routine Physiotherapy

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10 Portraits of the Latest Condition of Oki Setiana Dewi's Child who has a Congenital Disorder, Already Released Feeding Tube - Routine Physiotherapy

Oki Setiana Dewi diligently takes care of her fourth child, baby Sulaiman, who has Laryngomalacia, a congenital condition that causes the risk of food entering the respiratory tract, and Hypotonia or weak muscles, requiring the use of a feeding tube and regular physiotherapy. The good news is that baby Sulaiman has shown significant development at the age of 3 months, where the feeding tube that has been going into his small stomach through his mouth can now be removed. Let's take a look at baby Sulaiman's current condition.


Hypotonia suffered by baby Sulaiman causes him to have to use a feeding tube or hose for his daily breast milk intake. This condition also makes the baby rarely cry and laugh.


However, after being accustomed to drinking breast milk using a bottle to train baby Sulaiman to suck, he no longer depends on this feeding tube to drink breast milk.


Finally, at the age of 3 months, the tube attached to baby Sulaiman can be removed. As a mother, this good news is certainly very relieving for Oki Setiana Dewi.


Seeing baby Sulaiman's figure after his feeding tube is removed, Khadeejah, Oki's eldest daughter, immediately says that her younger sibling looks cute. Both of his chubby cheeks are no longer covered with a plaster.


Oki said that the positive development of baby Sulaiman is inseparable from Khadeejah's nightly prayers, asking for his brother's recovery and for the feeding tube to be removed soon.


Another effort made by Oki Setiana Dewi for her baby's recovery is regularly undergoing physiotherapy sessions with a therapist who specializes in treating babies with Hypotonia.

10 Portraits of the Latest Condition of Oki Setiana Dewi's Child who has a Congenital Disorder, Already Released Feeding Tube - Routine Physiotherapy

The goal of physiotherapy for individuals with Hypotonia like baby Sulaiman is to strengthen the muscles. Before undergoing therapy sessions, Oki admitted that the little one's condition was floppy like a doll.


Newborn babies up to 3 months old should often do tummy time to strengthen their neck muscles. Of course, the baby's physical condition should be taken into consideration first.

10 Portraits of the Latest Condition of Oki Setiana Dewi's Child who has a Congenital Disorder, Already Released Feeding Tube - Routine Physiotherapy

In addition, Sulaiman's baby physiotherapy session also uses a gym ball. With the help of this large-sized ball, the baby experiences more gravity and balance.


Sulaiman's baby physiotherapy session ends with a massage after various tiring activities. Hopefully, baby Sulaiman will soon be healed and bring more happiness to the family, Ameen.