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Meghan Markle Reveals Her Life in the British Kingdom, Wants to Commit Suicide - Archie Cannot Have the Title Prince

Meghan Markle Reveals Her Life in the British Kingdom, Wants to Commit Suicide - Archie Cannot Have the Title Prince Prince Harry - Meghan Markle © - Meghan Markle said she once wanted to commit suicide after marrying Prince Harry. She expressed this during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

It was also mentioned that the royal family was concerned about how dark Archie's skin color would be when Meghan and Harry's child was born. Meghan claimed that the royal family had no intention of providing protection or the title of prince to their son.

"They were willing to lie to protect other members of the family, but they were not willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband," Meghan said.


1. Want to Commit Suicide

Meghan said that she had thought about committing suicide after marrying Harry. She couldn't find a solution after feeling her mental health was disturbed.

When Meghan approached senior royal staff to address her mental health, unfortunately her request was rejected because it would have a negative impact on the family. This incident became the breaking point that caused Meghan and Harry to step back from the royal family as quoted from 9News (8/3).


2. Cut Off Contact with Prince Charles

Furthermore, Harry said that he deeply respects the Queen. He mentioned that the reason for stepping back from the royal family was influenced by someone.

"When we were in Canada, we spoke with my grandmother and my father... Before she finally stopped taking my phone calls," said Harry. In addition, Harry added that there was an insider influence when the Queen learned of the shocking news.


3. Second Child's Gender

Meghan and Harry also announced the gender of their second child. It is mentioned that their baby will be a girl. Previously, they already have a first child, a boy named Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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