Kapanlagi.com - This year's Eid is celebrated very differently. Eid prayer, which is usually performed in congregation at the mosque, is recommended to be done at home due to Indonesia implementing social distancing measures related to the pandemic. The celebrities are known to follow this recommendation.
Although they cannot perform Eid prayer like in previous years, it does not diminish the devotion of these celebrities. They still perform Eid prayer with their families at home. They also share their stories with their followers through social media accounts.
Some male celebrities even express their gratitude for becoming the Imam of Eid prayer for the first time. Let's take a look at 12 photos of Eid prayer at home by these celebrities.
1. Luma Maya at Home
2. Hanung Bramantyo Prays on the Porch
3. Nia Ramadhani's House Can Accommodate a Large Family
4. At Home and Together with Family is a Blessing
5. Separated Eid Prayer in Three Countries
6. The Victory Pose of the Imam
7. Praying in a Cool Garden
8. Praying Together with Household Assistants
9. Nervousness Being the Imam
10. Inviting a Sheikh as the Prayer Imam
11. All Green at the A6 Family's Home
12. Happiness Selfie After Performing Eid Prayer
Well, those are the interesting experiences of celebrities when performing Eid prayer at home. They shared it through social media. How about you, Klovers? Hopefully, you also perform the prayer with devotion and meaning. Happy Eid al-Fitr. Please forgive me, both physically and spiritually.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.