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2 Years of Conflict, Medina Zein and Irwansyah Agree to Make Peace

2 Years of Conflict, Medina Zein and Irwansyah Agree to Make Peace Medina Zein, Irwansyah and Zaskia Sungkar © Akrom Sukarya - After two years of conflict, Medina Zein and artist Irwansyah have finally made peace. Now, they have forgiven each other. The peace agreement was followed by the withdrawal of the police report on April 26, 2021.

"Of course, the peace was initiated by each principal, by Medina Zein, Irwansyah, and all the shareholders of PT Bandung Berkah Bersama. Of course, we want to pursue the path of peace in the final journey," said Machi Ahmad, Medina's lawyer in Tebet, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (27/4/2021).

1. Peace

In the same place, Irwansyah's lawyer, Zakir Rasyidin, said that his client and Medina Zein have found common ground and finally made peace.

"The point of agreement is the existence of peace, as mentioned earlier by my brother, Machi, that there is no winner or loser in this misunderstanding. The most important thing is that both parties are committed to a peace agreement," said Zakir Rasyidin.

2. Written Agreement

Meanwhile, Medina Zein's husband, Lukman Azhari, said that the peace with Irwansyah and Zaskia Sungkar is not only spoken verbally. But, they also have a written agreement.

"Alhamdulillah, these three things have been realized with the existence of verbal and documented written agreements in the form of a peace agreement. The point is, from Medina's side, from our side, everything from there, we have chosen the path of peace, we do not want to choose the legal path anymore," said Lukman Azhari.

"So we better choose peace, especially since we, as the parties involved, see a good momentum, namely the holy month of Ramadan," Lukman Azhari concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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