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Still Not Returning Home, Sule Says No Hatred from His Children Towards Nathalie Holscher

Still Not Returning Home, Sule Says No Hatred from His Children Towards Nathalie Holscher Sule (credit: Kafril) - Sule finally spoke up and announced that the problems in his household with Nathalie Holscher have improved. However, Sule stated that his wife has still not returned home.

Of course, Nathalie's absence from his embrace has raised questions from Sule's children. Although they have been taught not to interfere in their parents' problems, Sule mentioned that his children do not hold any hatred towards Nathalie Holscher for what has happened.

"(My children are looking for her) Definitely. Well, if it's my children, they have been taught not to get too involved in family matters. What's clear is that there is no hatred from them towards their mother," expressed Sule when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Monday night (26/4).

1. No Need to Discuss

In addition, regarding Putri Delina's post on her personal Instagram account, Sule emphasized that it happened a long time ago and there is no need to discuss it because the post was only related to what happened. According to him, the current issue that needs to be resolved is the household conflict.

"What post? When? If it's been a few weeks ago, there's no need to discuss it again," he said.

"We have communicated and everything is going smoothly, which means we are just connecting the dots to resolve the conflict. We don't know who Putri made the post for. What's clear is that everything is fine," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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