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Under the Label of MSI Records, Almost Band Releases a Religious Single Titled 'Bakda Asar'

Under the Label of MSI Records, Almost Band Releases a Religious Single Titled 'Bakda Asar' Almost Band (credit: Alfi Rosyadi) - The holy month of Ramadan is the most appropriate moment for singers and bands to release religious works. So far, there have been several singers and bands in the country who have released religious songs, such as Ungu feat Lesti, Sabyan Gambus, Radja, Opick, Syakir Daulay, and Roro Fitria.

Apparently, it's not just that, there is also a music group that releases a religious single during the holy month of Ramadan, namely Almost Band. Under the label of MSI Record, the band consisting of Joel (vocal), Uu (guitar), Agung (guitar), Idink (bass), Cemad (keyboard), and Efan (drums) released a religious song titled Bakda Asar.

"This song tells about dusk as a time of waiting for breaking the fast, as well as a time known as 'sacred' for indie kids," said Agung, the guitarist of Almost Band, on Monday (26/4/2021).

1. Having Deep Meaning

Packaged simply with straightforward lyrics, of course the song Bakda Asar has a profound meaning. Through this song, the Hampir band hopes that their latest single will be accepted by the Indonesian society.

"So, sitting at one table waiting for the call to prayer for breaking the fast together," said Agung

The song Bakda Asar can already be enjoyed through the music video presented on the MSI Records YouTube channel. The music video depicts people waiting for iftar time with warmth.

2. Keep Creating

This year's Ramadan has to be experienced in a pandemic situation once again. However, that doesn't become an obstacle, including for staying productive in creating. The most important thing is to always discipline yourself in implementing health protocols.

#RememberMother'sMessage while doing activities, starting from diligently washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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