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Celebrating 38th Birthday with Family and Close Friends, Audy Item Staycation at Five-Star Hotel

Celebrating 38th Birthday with Family and Close Friends, Audy Item Staycation at Five-Star Hotel Audy Item (Credit: - Several celebrities have their birthdays in April. From Zaskia Gotik to Irish Bella. Another person who didn't miss her birthday is Audi Item. She celebrated it while still adhering to health protocols.

Yes, she took advantage of her birthday moment with a staycation with her family at a luxurious five-star hotel. This was known from her Instagram post on Sunday (25/4).

1. Being Able to Gather

In addition to her family, close friends were also present in her hotel room. Audi also prepared various gifts for them to take home. She expressed her happiness in being able to gather with everyone.

"Alhamdulillah, on my birthday and in this holy month, I can gather with family and friends. So so happy, may we all be given health, blessings, and happiness. Thank you, Allah," wrote Iko Uwais' wife.

2. Flood of Greetings

The birthday photos were instantly flooded with comments from netizens. Many celebrities wished Audy a happy birthday there. Starting from Cindy Fatikasari to Armand Maulana. Wow, once again, happy birthday Audy!

Staycation has indeed become a choice for many people during this pandemic. Besides that, always #IngatPesanIbu (remember mother's advice). Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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