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Received Birthday Surprise from Husband and Children, Zaskia Gotik Hopes Her Small Family is Always Happy

Received Birthday Surprise from Husband and Children, Zaskia Gotik Hopes Her Small Family is Always Happy Zaskia Gotik (Credit: - Birthdays are always a special moment for anyone, including the beautiful dangdut singer Zaskia Gotik. Yes, the joy of birthdays colors her days in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This moment was uploaded on her Instagram on Tuesday (27/4).

What's interesting is that Sirajuddin Mahmud, her husband, surprised her in the early morning. Starting from flowers, balloons, strawberry sprinkled birthday cake, to a special gift he prepared for Zaskia. Their little daughter, Aqila, also joined in to liven up the atmosphere.

1. Always Trying to Make Zaskia Happy

No wonder Zaskia is so grateful to be blessed with Sirajuddin as her husband. Yes, Sirajuddin always tries to make Zaskia happy.

"Masha Allah, thank you Allah for giving me righteous, beautiful, kind children and a responsible husband on my birthday. Thank you, dear husband, for always trying to make me happy," Zaskia wrote.

2. Always Happy

Not only that, Zaskia also revealed her wishes. Her requests are simple, she just wants her small family to always be happy.

"My wish on my current birthday, at my current age, I don't ask for anything complicated, I just want my small family to be happy. I don't want to shed tears of sadness, I want to always shed tears of happiness, amen, oh Allah," she continued.

3. Want to Live Long

Zaskia also hopes to be given a long life so that she can always accompany her husband and children. Hopefully all your wishes come true, happy birthday, Zaskia!

Birthday moments always bring happiness even in the midst of this never-ending pandemic. Besides that, make sure to always #IngatPesanIbu. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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