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All This Time Making Netizens Curious About Her Religion, Angela Gilsha, Star of the Soap Opera 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Speaks Out

All This Time Making Netizens Curious About Her Religion, Angela Gilsha, Star of the Soap Opera 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Speaks Out Angela Gilsha (Credit: - The soap opera SAMUDRA CINTA is loved by viewers. Not only because of its intricate story, but also because of its idolized cast. Angela Gilsha, one of the antagonist characters, is also highly admired!

Moreover, Angela is very active in voicing her concern for the environment. It seems that netizens are not only interested in that, but also in her beliefs. Yes, netizens are curious about Angela's religion.

1. Not Embracing Any Religion

On that matter, this actress from the Island of the Gods finally spoke up on her Instagram story recently. She emphasized that she does not follow any religion.

"Not following any religion but close to God. Are you confused?" wrote Haico Van der Veken's co-star.

Angela emphasized how she applies love, compassion, and peace to anyone and anything. She herself admitted to truly experiencing the presence of God.


2. Feeling the Presence of God

"I am very strong in my belief about God because I have truly felt the presence of God and the miracles that God has given me," she said.

"Even often when I want something, I only think about it and then it is given (by God)," added the woman born on July 2, 1994.


3. Communicating with God

She also explained how she usually prays or worships, which is by communicating a lot with God.

"It's really simple. God is within our hearts. We can communicate with God anytime and anywhere. Be grateful at all times, be grateful for the little things, talk to God about your day, your complaints, and automatically feel calm. God is Love," she explained.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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