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3 Years of Marriage, Ririn Ekawati & Ibnu Jamil's Household Portrait that is Always Intimate and Makes You Emotional

3 Years of Marriage, Ririn Ekawati & Ibnu Jamil's Household Portrait that is Always Intimate and Makes You Emotional

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3 Years of Marriage, Ririn Ekawati & Ibnu Jamil's Household Portrait that is Always Intimate and Makes You Emotional

The couple Ririn Ekawati and Ibnu Jamil never cease to amaze many people. After three years of building a household, Ibnu and Ririn become even more intimate like a newlywed couple.

What are the intimate portraits of Ririn Ekawati and Ibnu Jamil? Check it out here!


Ibnu Jamil and Ririn Ekawati went public towards the end of 2020. At that time, they were found on a vacation together.


A few months later, precisely on January 30, 2021, Ibnu and Ririn held a private wedding attended only by family and close friends.


As people who have both been married before, they love each other and are very attentive to each other.


Not only that, even though they have been married for three years, this couple always shows affection like newlyweds.

3 Years of Marriage, Ririn Ekawati & Ibnu Jamil's Household Portrait that is Always Intimate and Makes You Emotional

In fact, many people are affected by the affection they often show in public.

3 Years of Marriage, Ririn Ekawati & Ibnu Jamil's Household Portrait that is Always Intimate and Makes You Emotional

Moreover, the way this couple dates is like teenagers in love. No wonder many people are affected.


This couple also supports each other. They always do things together, like running marathons and exercising together.


Well, those were a series of intimate portraits of Ririn Ekawati and Ibnu Jamil that always manage to make many people baper. What do you think, KLovers?