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Valerie Thomas Becomes the Main Star in a Film Produced by Jeremy Thomas, Denies Nepotism

Valerie Thomas Becomes the Main Star in a Film Produced by Jeremy Thomas, Denies Nepotism Valerie Thomas denies allegations of nepotism regarding the film produced by her father © Santoso - A romantic drama film titled ROMEO INGKAR JANJI is set to be released at the end of July. The film stars Valerie Thomas and Morgan Oey for the first time on the big screen.

Valerie's involvement as the main cast in this Emil Heradi's film has raised allegations of nepotism, as Jeremy Thomas sits in the executive producer's chair.

1. Skipping the Process Like Other Players

Regarding the assumption of nepotism, Jeremy Thomas speaks up. He stated that Valerie Thomas went through the same screentest process as other actors. Once she was accepted, Jeremy handed it over to the team.

"(Valerie's involvement) went through the screentest process, she went through the same process as other actors. When Valerie joined this project, I followed the system by handing it over to the team. That means it has to be like that so that the result of this film is interesting," said Jeremy when met in Palmerah, West Jakarta, on Monday (24/6/2024).

2. Valerie Thomas Needs Space

During the shooting process, Valerie Thomas worked like any other film project. There was no interference from Jeremy Thomas on the shooting location, so she was free to explore her role.

"I have discussed this with Papa, 'What if we work on a project together with someone else later?'. But Papa supports me by not always coming to the location. He only comes when it's an emergency. Papa knows that I need space to feel comfortable on location," Valerie emphasized on the same occasion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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