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30 Years of Friendship and Now Having a Creative Company Together, Desta Admits Often Debating with Vincent Rompies

30 Years of Friendship and Now Having a Creative Company Together, Desta Admits Often Debating with Vincent Rompies Desta - Vincent Rompies © Herdianto - Vincent Rompies and Desta have been friends for thirty years. This closeness led them to establish a creative company called Vindes.

In the company, Desta serves as a commissioner, while Vincent holds the position of director. Since they don't have a business background, they entrust others to manage the finances.

"Well, this is what always escapes the radar of Vincent and Desta. Both of us are art people, we never knew about business. Personally, we have a manager, and Vindes has three teams: marketing, sales, and general manager, who manage it all," said Vincent, met in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta, Wednesday (16/8).


1. Profit Becomes Bonus

Because they don't really understand finance, Vincent Rompies and Desta are often surprised when they receive profits. They both consider it as a bonus.

"In our heads, we don't talk about profits at all. Profit becomes a bonus when we finish a project. Success, everything goes smoothly, that's what we consider as goals," said Vincent.


2. Never Had Big Conflicts

While building the company together, Desta admitted that he rarely had major conflicts with Vincent Rompies. However, they often have debates but can quickly resolve them.

"Vincent and I have never fought in thirty years of friendship. Debating is normal in terms of concepts and thoughts. But if it doesn't escalate at all. There are small debates, but they can be resolved," said Desta.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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