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42 Questions Related to the Case with Marissya Icha, Medina Zein is Relaxed: It's Just Normal

42 Questions Related to the Case with Marissya Icha, Medina Zein is Relaxed: It's Just Normal Instagram @medinazein - Medina Zein underwent questioning at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police related to the report from Marissa Icha and also her counter-report against the celebrity influencer. Medina, who arrived around 14:00 WIB, came out around 20:00 WIB. According to her lawyer, Medina Zein was asked 27 questions regarding the report from Marissa and 15 questions regarding her counter-report against Marissa.

"Earlier, we answered our client's 27 questions smoothly, of course with supporting evidence. As the complainant, we answered 15 questions with the evidence we provided, such as flash drive recordings and captures," said Machi Ahmad, Medina Zein's lawyer after the questioning.



1. No Problem

Although she received many questions that took up her time, thoughts, and physical energy, Medina admitted that it was no problem. "It's just normal. I remain calm in answering the investigator's questions. And I have provided supporting evidence to the investigator and now I just have to wait for the results," said Medina.

Marissa Icha reported Medina Zein to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police on September 13, 2021, accusing her of defamation. Not staying silent, Medina Zein also reported Marissa Icha back on September 16, 2021.


2. Feud

"We also reported it under Article 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law, and Article 310, 311 of the Criminal Code," said Machi Ahmad. Their feud started when Marissa Icha appeared on social media accusing Medina Zein of selling fake bags and demanding her money back.

Medina Zein responded to Marissa Icha's accusations with words that Marissa Icha found hurtful, insulting her family and children. Therefore, Marissa Icha reported the incident to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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