A number of local celebrities apparently also work as Youtubers. The income they get from Youtube is no joke.
Who are they and how much do they earn? Find out more here.
Celebrity Youtube
A number of local celebrities apparently also work as Youtubers. The income they get from Youtube is no joke.
Who are they and how much do they earn? Find out more here.
Baim Wong has 2 Youtube channels, namely Baim Paula and Bapau Family. From both channels, he is estimated to earn 57 thousand to 916 thousand dollars per month, between 800 million to 12 billion rupiah!
Raffi Ahmad has 2 channels, namely Rans Entertainment and Rans Music. From these two channels, he is estimated to earn 42 thousand to 682 thousand dollars per month, or around 600 million to 9.6 billion!
Andre Taulany has Taulany TV with subscribers reaching 3.6 million. From this channel, it is estimated that he earns $30,000 to $483,000, or around 423 million to 6.8 billion per month.
The same goes for Deddy Corbuzier who has a Youtube channel with 10 million subscribers. It is estimated that he earns 33 thousand to 541 thousand dollars per month, or 476 million to 7.6 billion.
Sule himself has a Youtube channel with 4.8 million subscribers. With that many subscribers, it is estimated that he earns 16 thousand to 268 thousand dollars or around 235 million to 3.7 billion rupiah.
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