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5 Glamorous Styles of Mami Popon, Raffi Ahmad's 85-Year-Old Grandmother

5 Glamorous Styles of Mami Popon, Raffi Ahmad's 85-Year-Old Grandmother Credit: Instagram/raffinagita1717 - As one of the most popular artists in Indonesia, Raffi Ahmad is always in the spotlight of the public and mass media. Even his family circle always invites public curiosity.

This time, Raffi's grandmother named Mami Popon is in the spotlight. The mother of Amy Qanita was previously not well known to the public, but now she has become intriguing since her photos were posted by Raffi on Instagram.

If Raffi and his wife, Nagita Slavina, are known to have a life like a sultan, what about the grandmother? Here are some collection of photos and information about her.


1. Settling in Bandung

Mami Popon is the mother of Amy Qanita. While the extended family lives in Jakarta, Mami Popon chooses to settle in Bandung.

2. Owning a Luxurious House Worth 80 Billion

Mami Popon has a very luxurious residence in Bandung. Recently, through his YouTube channel, Raffi plans to buy his grandmother's house and give it to Rafathar. Can you guess the price of the house? Rp 80 billion!

3. 85 Years Old

Even though she is no longer young, precisely 85 years old, Mami Popon still looks beautiful. She also often appears glamorous on every occasion. It's understandable, considering her children and grandchildren are wealthy people.

4. Affordable Smile

Mami Popon is known to have a very good nature, cheerful, and still full of spirit at her age which is no longer young. She also often spreads smiles on every occasion. Perhaps that is one of her secrets to staying young.

5. Familiar with the Grandchildren

As is known, Raffi and his siblings now have their own families and busy lives in Jakarta. Despite that, they always make time to visit their grandmother if they have free time.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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