Barbie Kumalasari recently revealed that she has become an indigo. She even offers fortune-telling services to those who are interested.
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Barbie Kumalasari recently revealed that she has become an indigo. She even offers fortune-telling services to those who are interested.
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Barbie Kumalasari has once again made a controversial statement. Through her personal Instagram account, she stated that she has now become an indigo.
Not only claiming to be an indigo child, she also offers services to predict one's life.
"Hi guys, for those of you who have problems about work life, life, career, romance, or anything. I am now an indigo child, and as an indigo child, my clairvoyance, God willing, will not disappoint," she said.
She mentioned that she became an indigo because of her strong religious knowledge inherited from her grandfather.
Netizens? Don't ask, they will definitely criticize. Many say that Barbie should fix her own life before giving predictions to others.
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