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Not Accepting Barbie Kumalasari's Uploaded Video, Dinar Candy: What is the Attachment

Not Accepting Barbie Kumalasari's Uploaded Video, Dinar Candy: What is the Attachment Dinar Candy and Barbie Kumalasari © Akrom Sukarya - On Thursday (2/7/2020) yesterday, Barbie Kumalasari uploaded a video on her Instagram. The video is a recording from YouTube live broadcast and there is an image of Dinar Candy speaking.

Knowing that Barbie Kumalasari posted the video, Dinar Candy felt upset and responded through her personal Instagram account.






1. Dinar Candy Posts Photo with Satirical Words

On Thursday (2/7/2020) yesterday, Dinar also posted a photo with words that sarcastically criticized Barbie Kumalasari. Those words express Dinar Candy's frustration towards Barbie.

"Why did you attach my face on your Instagram, I can't stand my face being displayed on Instagram by middle-aged women whose skin is wrinkled huuuuweeeeksss", wrote the photo caption on Dinar Candy's Instagram account.

2. Short Writing

Not only that, Dinar also wrote a very brief message in her post expressing her genuine unwillingness,

"I can't stand it ahhhhhh", wrote the caption on Dinar Candy's post.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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