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5 Tips Parenting Ala Jennifer Bachdim for Her 4 Children, Making Everything Under Control and Happy!

5 Tips Parenting Ala Jennifer Bachdim for Her 4 Children, Making Everything Under Control and Happy! parenting tips ala jennifer bachdim photo credit: - Written by Vierda Safyra

Jennifer Kurniawan, or commonly known as Jennifer Bachdim, is the wife of an Indonesian footballer, Irfan Bachdim. Jennifer was born on April 6, 1987 in Muehlacker, Germany. Since she was young, she has started her career as a model. 

Nowadays, her name often becomes a spotlight and makes other mothers feel insecure. Why is that? Because despite being 36 years old and having just given birth to her fourth child in February 2023, she still looks beautiful and youthful.

Through Jessica Iskandar's Youtube channel, Jennifer Bachdim reveals the parenting tips that she has applied to her children. Curious about what the tips are? Let's find out below!



1. Educating Children to be Independent

When asked how she feels about having 4 children, Jennifer's answer is that she feels happy but also tired. The role of a mother is not only to take care of the children, but also to take care of the house. 

Jennifer instills good habits in her children to help with small things or keep the house clean. Since they were young, they have been taught to vacuum, wash dishes, take out the trash, and engage in other house cleaning activities. So they will naturally be aware of cleanliness around them, which is their responsibility without being told. 


2. Not Giving Punishment

Different from Indonesian mothers in general who sometimes like to punish their children when they make a mistake. Jennifer believes that punishing a child will only make the situation worse.

She does not set a time limit for playing, but recently she sometimes gives it to Kiyoji. The most important thing is to communicate with the child when they feel calm. So she will give space for herself and her child to feel calm first, then she will try to ask what happened and explain what the mistake was. 


3. Become a Disciplined Person First

Jennifer believes that if oneself has a good discipline, then the child will follow. Unconsciously, parents only demand their children to behave like this and that, but do not set an example. Meanwhile, a child indirectly sees their parents as role models.

If a child sees both of their parents being disciplined, such as waking up early, making the bed, throwing away trash in its place, with just small things but can have a great impact on the child in the future. Parents are the biggest inspiration for a child and must be a good example.

4. Being a Parent and a Friend at the Same Time

In this era, there are many opportunities for children to grow outside the home, such as school, but what if bullying or similar incidents occur that affect the child's mental health? Jennifer answers that she is grateful that her children are growing up in Bali because she feels that this city is better than other big cities where bullying still often occurs. However, it is not impossible for bullying to still happen around them.

According to her, the most important thing is communication. In addition to being a parent, she also has to be a friend to her children. Why? Because that is what will make the child feel comfortable to tell and be open. In doing so, parents still have to ask about the child's day and constantly ensure their condition and feelings, no matter how busy the parents are.

5. Giving Reward

Jennifer creates a house chore list for each of her children. The list includes a schedule of light routines for the child to do independently, such as making the bed, having breakfast, brushing teeth, getting ready and dressed, and preparing school supplies. In the afternoon, after school, they do homework, wash dishes or vacuum, tidy up toys, take a bath, and read a book before bedtime.

If all the lists are completed for a week, Jennifer will give a reward in the form of 50,000 Indonesian rupiah. This will motivate the child and make them aware of what they should do.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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