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6 Japanese Zombie Dramas, Full of Horror Elements - Survival Actions

6 Japanese Zombie Dramas, Full of Horror Elements - Survival Actions Japanese Zombie Dramas (credit: - In recent years, dramas about zombies have become an interesting trend for horror story fans. Like some Japanese zombie dramas that have thrilling actions and complex character relationships.

These dramas offer unique and thrilling experiences. With an interesting narrative, combining horror elements and deep drama. Through this article, Kapanlagi will explore the phenomenon of Japanese zombie dramas.

What are the titles of these dramas? Here are some exciting Japanese dramas about zombies for you to follow. Let's check it out KLovers.


Rating6.8 Mydramalist
Episode12 episode
Durasi30 minutes
AiredTV Tokyo
CastOwada Nana, Takahashi Juri, Kawaei Rina

Japanese drama about zombies titled SAILOR ZOMBIE. Despite the world being plunged into zombie chaos, three high school students named Maiko, Momoka, and Mutsumi continue to live their school lives. Maiko, a transfer student who aspires to be an idol, finds comfort in her friendship with Momoka and Mutsumi.

However, their peace is disrupted as the zombie attacks worsen. One day, a surprising event occurs, the zombies suddenly stop attacking when they hear music from the radio. Without this music source, Maiko and her friends are in danger. In this adventure, they must find out the origin of the music in order to survive.


Rating7.3 Mydramalist
Episode5 episode
Durasi15 menit
PemainNagasawa Masami, Kirishima Reika, Asaka Kodai

Drama Jepang tentang zombie berikutnya ada drama berjudul I'M A HERO: HAJIMARI NO HI. Dalam serial web ini, para penonton akan menyaksikan perjuangan seorang perawat yang tangguh dan penuh tekad, bernama Tsugumi, ketika Jepang terkena wabah zombie yang mengerikan.

Di tengah kekacauan dan keputusasaan, Tsugumi berusaha bertahan hidup dan melindungi orang-orang terdekatnya sambil mencari cara untuk mengatasi pandemi yang merajalela. Sementara itu, ia juga menemukan sisi-sisi gelap kehidupan yang belum pernah ia lihat sebelumnya.

Melalui pengalamannya yang penuh tekanan, Tsugumi memimpin para penonton melalui dunia yang penuh dengan ketakutan, pertarungan, dan pengorbanan demi kelangsungan hidup manusia. Hingga, jadi drama Jepang tentang zombie yang seru untuk diikuti.

3. JUKEN ZOMBIE (2019)

Rating7.1 Mydramalist
Episode1 episode
Durasi60 menit
TayangFuji TV
PemainTamashiro Tina, Bando Ryota, Hotta Mayu

Drama JUKEN ZOMBIE is also another Japanese drama about zombies. This drama portrays the thrilling story of a high school in the mountains of Japan that is suddenly shaken by a mysterious outbreak that turns its students into zombies.

The drama follows the journey of a group of students and teachers who struggle to survive while searching for a way to overcome the horrors that are happening. Internal conflicts and despair will test their limits of safety and patience as they try to find a solution.


Rating8.8 Mydramalist
Episode8 episode
Durasi48 menit
PemainYamazaki Kento, Tsuchiya Tao, Murakami Nijiro

Drama IMAWA NO KUNI NO ALICE tells the story of Arisu Ryohei, a game addict who suddenly finds himself stranded in a mysterious world full of danger and deadly puzzles. There, he meets Usagi, a woman who is also trapped in that world.

Both of them must endure a terrifying life, from deadly puzzles to life-threatening battles. In order to survive, Arisu and Usagi are forced to work together to uncover the dark secrets that unfold in their lives.

They face terrifying challenges while searching for answers to the mysteries behind this strange world. This drama is extremely popular in Japan and is included in one of the must-watch Japanese zombie dramas.


Rating7.6 Mydramalist
Episode10 episodes
Duration55 minutes
CastTakeuchi Ryoma, Nakajo Ayami, Kasamatsu Sho

The drama KIMI TO SEKAI GA OWARU HI NI is a Japanese drama about zombies that tells the story of Mamiya Hibiki, a sincere and cheerful car mechanic. He is preparing to propose to his girlfriend, Kurumi, but when he emerges from a tunnel, the world around him changes drastically.

Without humans, a crumbling traffic system, and signs of destruction on the streets. Hibiki must endure this terrifying empty life to find out what has happened. Through battles and adventures, Hibiki must use his abilities to find Kurumi.


Rating7.5 Mydramalist
Episode6 episodes
Duration30 minutes
CastSakurada Hiyori, Sano Reo, Nakamura Yurika

Next is the drama IKINOKOTTA 6-NIN NI YORU TO which is a Japanese drama about zombies that starts when a pandemic hits, where Chiba, Mizukami Riri, and the softball club are trapped in chaos. While escaping, she suddenly wakes up in a shopping center.

Where people from various backgrounds live together in a zombie siege. Despite the danger posed by zombies, life in the shopping center becomes a kind of "normal" that is funny and special for its inhabitants.

In this survival romantic comedy that depicts absurd stories and human warmth under pressure, they must find a way to survive while keeping their hearts intact. And it becomes a Japanese drama about zombies that shouldn't be missed.

Those are some Japanese dramas about zombies that have brought thrilling horror experiences and interesting stories, presenting cinematic works that are so entertaining for their viewers.


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