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6 Photos of Aurel Hemansyah at Aaliyah Massaid's Gender Reveal, Excited Her Guess Was Correct

6 Photos of Aurel Hemansyah at Aaliyah Massaid's Gender Reveal, Excited Her Guess Was Correct Aurel Hemansyah at Aaliyah Massaid's Gender Reveal (Credit: Instagram/aurelie.hermansyah) - The gender reveal event for Aaliyah Massaid was lively and full of joy, especially for Aurel Hermansyah. She looked so excited waiting for her new niece.

In this special moment, Aurel appeared stunning in an elegant blue dress, with a happy expression clearly visible. Not only that, the excitement also came from Atta Halilintar who joined in celebrating the special day. One of the moments that caught attention was when Aurel kissed Aaliyah's belly with affection, as if eagerly awaiting the birth of the baby.

So, what does Aurel Hermansyah's photo at Aaliyah Massaid's gender reveal look like? Check out the complete information below.

1. Portrait of Aurel Hermansyah

Aurel Hermansyah is not just a sister-in-law to Aaliyah Massaid. It is known that they have been friends for quite a long time. In fact, Aaliyah Massaid got to know Thariq Halilintar closely because of Aurel Hermansyah, KLovers!

2. Aaliyah Massaid's Gender Reveal

Aurel Hermansyah looked elegant in a lovely light blue dress. While posing together, Aaliyah Massaid's baby bump became even more visible. The daughter of the late Adjie Massaid looked so radiant amidst the family's happiness as they awaited a new member.

3. Kiss on the Belly of the Sister-in-Law

One of the moments that caught attention was when Aurel lovingly kissed Aaliyah's belly. This sweet gesture signifies their closeness as sisters-in-law, while also showing Aurel's affection for the niece that Aaliyah is carrying. Aurel's facial expression also reflects genuine happiness, as if she can’t wait to welcome the little baby.

4. So Excited

From the beginning of the event, Aurel looked so enthusiastic. She couldn't hide her excited expression while waiting for the moment of revealing Aaliyah's baby's gender. In the captured photos, she was seen laughing heartily, sharing joy with the family and friends who were present.

5. The Guess is Correct 'Baby Boy'

The most exciting moment is definitely when the gender reveal is done. Aurel has guessed the gender of Aaliyah's baby through the outfit she wore, which was blue indicating a boy. In the end, she felt satisfied because her guess was correct.

6. Atta Halilintar is Just as Excited

Not only Aurel, Atta Halilintar also showed an excited reaction at this event. He even carried Thariq Halilintar, his younger brother, as an expression of his joy. Atta's presence added to the festive atmosphere, proving that this gender reveal event truly became a special moment for their extended family.

Well, those are a series of photos of Aurel Hermansyah at Aaliyah Massaid's gender reveal. Let's start following news about other celebrity families, KLovers! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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