In addition to being known as funny, Ivan Gunawan is apparently quite close with children. At least with Ruben Onsu's children, he is very close. What is their closeness like? Let's take a peek!
6 Portraits of Ivan Gunawan's closeness with Ruben Onsu's children, Playing Horses - Read the Story
Celebrity Activities
All this time, Igun is known as a funny figure. It turns out that not many people know how famous designer is also a loving person towards children.
MoreHe plays with Thalia, Thania, and Betrand Peto at Thalia's playground. They seem to be having fun exploring various collections of Thalia's toys.
MoreNot only that, occasionally Igun looks affectionately hugging the youngest Thania. He also lovingly pats the little one's back.
Bored of playing, Thalia then invites Igun to play horsey. Thalia struggles to climb onto Igun's back. Igun happily becomes the horse.
After tired of playing, the three children are ready to sleep. They then enter their respective rooms and start fighting over wanting to be accompanied by Igun.
MoreAfter accompanying Betrand, Igun then enters Thalia's room. He reads a story to her while lying on the floor like this.
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