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7 Adorable Photos of El Barack Alexander, Jessica Iskandar's Son, Holding His Baby Brother and Hoped to Be a Great Big Brother

7 Adorable Photos of El Barack Alexander, Jessica Iskandar's Son, Holding His Baby Brother and Hoped to Be a Great Big Brother Jessica Iskandar's Family (credit: instagram/alexanderbarackel/inijedar) - The beautiful celebrity Jessica Iskandar is now happy. A few days ago, Jessica Iskandar gave birth to her second child, a baby boy. Of course, Jessica and her husband are not the only ones who are happy. El Barack Alexander, Jessica's first son, also feels the same happiness.

The happy face of El Barack Alexander is clearly visible in some of the photos shared by his mother on Instagram. In those photos, the boy, who is usually called El, is seen holding his baby brother while wearing a happy expression. The photos of El and his baby brother have successfully made netizens feel adorable.

Curious about what El Barack Alexander looks like while holding his baby brother for the first time? Let's take a look at some of the photos below, KLovers.


1. Success in Making Cute

The togetherness of El Barack and his little sibling instantly became the center of attention. It's no wonder, the moment of togetherness between El Barack and his little sibling looks very adorable. Anyone who sees it will feel cute and instantly fall in love with the sibling duo who are the champions of Jessica Iskandar.


2. Full of Warmth

Not only cute, the moment of togetherness between El Barack and his little sibling also feels so warm. El Barack looks like hugging his little sibling with love. Likewise, his little sibling who looks very comfortable being in the arms of his big brother.


3. Very Careful and Attentive

Being a big brother for the first time, makes El Barack look very careful when carrying his little sibling. However, El Barack's caution is actually proof that he is a big brother who is very attentive. He seems unwilling to hurt his little sibling at all.


4. Flooded with Praise and Prayers

In addition to being cute, El Barack's courage in carrying his little sibling also garnered a lot of praise. Even not just praising, many netizens then prayed for El Barack to become a great big brother who can be relied on.


5. Looks Very Happy

Even though it was the first time, El Barack didn't look hesitant or scared when holding his sibling. On the contrary, El looked very happy and proud. It's understandable, because El has been waiting for his sibling's birth for a long time.


6. With His Father

Not only with his sibling, in another post El Barack was also seen with his father, Vincent Verhaag. As a result, the warmth of El Barack and his sibling's togetherness increased thanks to the presence of their father in their midst.


7. Loving Each Other

Since being reported close and then marrying Jessica Iskandar, Vincent Verhaag has been close to El Barack. The two have been seen close like a father and biological son. The presence of Jessica's second child seems to bring Vincent Verhaag and El closer. As evidenced by this picture, Vincent Verhaag and El appear to love each other even more. 

Those are some adorable pictures of El Barack holding his sibling. Congratulations on becoming a big brother, El Barack!



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