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7 Cute Portraits of Baby Sarah, Ahok and Puput's Daughter, Growing Up Beautiful and Adorable

7 Cute Portraits of Baby Sarah, Ahok and Puput's Daughter, Growing Up Beautiful and Adorable

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7 Cute Portraits of Baby Sarah, Ahok and Puput's Daughter, Growing Up Beautiful and Adorable

Ahok and Puput Nastiti Devi are now living happily with their two children. The cuteness of their youngest child, Sarah Eliana Purnama, has caught the attention of netizens. Now Sarah is growing up and beautiful. Check out her cute portraits below.

7 Cute Portraits of Baby Sarah, Ahok and Puput's Daughter, Growing Up Beautiful and Adorable

Ahok and Puput have two children, Yosafat and Sarah. They are as adorable as twins.

7 Cute Portraits of Baby Sarah, Ahok and Puput's Daughter, Growing Up Beautiful and Adorable

Sarah is said to resemble her older brother, Yosafat. So adorable!

7 Cute Portraits of Baby Sarah, Ahok and Puput's Daughter, Growing Up Beautiful and Adorable

Sarah was born in August 2021. She's getting cuter and can now crawl.

7 Cute Portraits of Baby Sarah, Ahok and Puput's Daughter, Growing Up Beautiful and Adorable

Can be carried by my sister. Let's play with toy motorcycles first, later when you grow up, you can ride a 'moge' (big motorcycle).


Sarah's cute moment, celebrating her mom Puput's birthday. So adorable, everything is pink.


Growing up, Sarah becomes even more beautiful, KLovers.


With her cuteness like this, will Sarah become a future idol, right?

8 Charming Portraits of Meerqeen, the Actor in the Series 'MELUR UNTUK FIRDAUS' Idol in Malaysia and Indonesia

8 Charming Portraits of Meerqeen, the Actor in the Series 'MELUR UNTUK FIRDAUS' Idol in Malaysia and Indonesia

The handsome actor from Malaysia, Meerqeen, is currently adored by netizens for his role in the series 'MELUR UNTUK FIRDAUS'. Indonesian netizens are captivated by his charming appearance. Through his acting in the series, many consider him as the ideal husband.

8 Charming Portraits of Meerqeen, the Actor in the Series 'MELUR UNTUK FIRDAUS' Idol in Malaysia and Indonesia