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Winning the Heart's Desire with Struggle, Aldwin Dinata Presents the Song '1 Untukku'

Winning the Heart's Desire with Struggle, Aldwin Dinata Presents the Song '1 Untukku' Aldwin Dinata (Photo Alfi Rosyadi) - After a hiatus of two years, singer Aldwin Dinata is back to entertain his fans. He held a showcase at Aloft Hotel Selatan on Friday (24/6/2022). In the event, two talented young singers Jesenn G, Aruma, and Raissa Ramadhani were also present.

Aldwin Dinata's performance felt special. How could it not be, here he could release his longing because he could perform again in front of his fans. In the event, Aldwin Dinata sang several songs, one of which was 1 Untukku.

"This is the first time I've performed it live here," said Aldwin Dinata at Aloft Hotel Selatan on Friday (24/6/2022).

1. New Single Release

It should be noted that Aldwin Dinata has just released a single titled 1 Untukku under the label Sony Musik Indonesia. This is Aldwin's third single after previously successfully presenting the songs Izinkan Aku and Pemain Hati.

Written by Satrio, the drummer of the music group Alexa, the song 1 Untukku tells about Aldwin's personal experience of once struggling to get the woman of his dreams. Fortunately, Aldwin's struggle paid off. Now, the woman he obtained with full struggle has become his life partner.

2. Song from Personal Story

Aldwin revealed that this song was taken from his own story. It started from hanging out together, sharing stories, and from those stories, lyrics were created by Mr. Satrio.

"Actually, this song is about our struggle to get someone. Every time we come, that person goes away. The struggle is not easy," said Aldwin.

"Fortunately, the person I chased became my wife," added Aldwin.

3. Contributing to the Arrangement

Not only writing the lyrics, Satrio also contributed to the arrangement of the song "1 Untukku". Through Satrio's skillful hands, the song was beautifully arranged even though it was only played using a piano.

"Satrio and I agreed to keep the arrangement as minimal as possible. That's why we only used a piano," he said.

4. Aldwin's Beginning

The song 1 Untukku became Aldwin Dinata's debut in the Indonesian music industry after being on hiatus for two years. The singer born in 2000 has prepared several upcoming projects, one of which is to release an EP or mini album.

"In the future, I want to make a mini album. The album will really tell my story. The first and second songs have their own stories," said Aldwin.

5. Various Platforms

The song 1 Untukku can already be heard on digital music platforms. Through this song, Aldwin Dinata hopes that his latest single can be accepted by the wider community. Moreover, for those who are struggling to get their loved ones.

"After this, maybe I will release a music video, focus on promotions, release another single, and finally release an album. Just pray that all of these plans can be realized," concluded Aldwin.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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