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7 Handsome Portraits of Reza Rahadian Wearing Traditional Clothing During the Inauguration Ceremony of His New Villa in Bali, Harmonious and Happy with His Mother

7 Handsome Portraits of Reza Rahadian Wearing Traditional Clothing During the Inauguration Ceremony of His New Villa in Bali, Harmonious and Happy with His Mother

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7 Handsome Portraits of Reza Rahadian Wearing Traditional Clothing During the Inauguration Ceremony of His New Villa in Bali, Harmonious and Happy with His Mother

Reza Rahadian recently participated in a series of melaspas ceremonies to clean and purify his new villa in Bali. During the ceremony, Reza Rahadian appeared in Balinese traditional clothing, which significantly increased his handsomeness. Curious? Check out the photos in the following slideshow.

7 Handsome Portraits of Reza Rahadian Wearing Traditional Clothing During the Inauguration Ceremony of His New Villa in Bali, Harmonious and Happy with His Mother

Reza Rahadian recently performed a melaspas ceremony with his family in Bali. Melaspas is a ceremony of cleansing and purifying a newly built or newly occupied building.

7 Handsome Portraits of Reza Rahadian Wearing Traditional Clothing During the Inauguration Ceremony of His New Villa in Bali, Harmonious and Happy with His Mother

On this occasion, Reza Rahadian and his family performed a ceremony of cleansing and purifying their new villa located in Canggu, Bali.

7 Handsome Portraits of Reza Rahadian Wearing Traditional Clothing During the Inauguration Ceremony of His New Villa in Bali, Harmonious and Happy with His Mother

In addition to his new luxurious house, Reza Rahadian's appearance during the melaspas ceremony also caught public attention. The star of the movie HABIBIE & AINUN looked handsome in traditional Balinese attire.


Reza Rahadian Matulessy, the full name of the owner, wore a typical small headdress called payas alit, complete with a white cloth and a Balinese udeng and kamen.

7 Handsome Portraits of Reza Rahadian Wearing Traditional Clothing During the Inauguration Ceremony of His New Villa in Bali, Harmonious and Happy with His Mother

Reza Rahadian also appeared compact with his mother who both wore white clothes. The smile of the mother and child radiates warmth of the family despite the differences that exist.


As is known, Reza Rahadian follows a different religion from his mother. Reza Rahadian embraces Islam, while Pratiwi Matulessy is a follower of Christianity.


Certainly, the handsome appearance of Reza Rahadian will make many women fall in love even more. Anyway, congratulations on Reza Rahadian's new house in Bali.


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