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Nassar's Childhood Unveiled by Senior Classmate, Since Elementary School He's Talented in Dancing and Singing - Often Becomes the Target of Bullying from Friends

Nassar's Childhood Unveiled by Senior Classmate, Since Elementary School He's Talented in Dancing and Singing - Often Becomes the Target of Bullying from Friends Nassar (credit: @kingnassar88) - Before becoming famous as he is now, Nassar apparently has a touching childhood story. This has been revealed and exposed by one of the netizens through a Twitter account named @bentarabumi.

In the Twitter account @bentarabumi, the user claimed to be Nassar's senior classmate during elementary school. They shared that even in elementary school, Nassar was already talented in singing and dancing. However, instead of being appreciated for his talents, Nassar became the target of bullying from his friends.

"Nassar was my junior in elementary school. Since elementary school, he was already talented in dancing and singing, and that made him the target of bullying among his friends," wrote a tweet from the Twitter account @bentarabumi (17/6/2021).

1. Nassar's Strict Parents

Furthermore, according to his senior, Nassar has strict parents. When he was still in school, he once cried because he was scolded by his father.

"His parents are strict, I once saw him cry at school because he was scolded by his father," added @bentarabumi's tweet.

2. Happy to See Him.

Seeing Nassar's current success, which is well-known by the Indonesian society, his senior with the twitter account @bentarabumi admitted to being happy with Nassar, who can now entertain on television screens.

"So I'm very happy to see him now," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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