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7 Photos of Desta Unable to Hold Back Tears When Joining the HI KIDS Trend

7 Photos of Desta Unable to Hold Back Tears When Joining the HI KIDS Trend Desta Unable to Hold Back Tears When Joining the HI KIDS Trend (Credit: Youtube/Main Hakim Sendiri) - As an actor, presenter, and comedian, Desta, who has been in the industry since 1998, is still active to this day. Recently, he joined a comedy TV program titled MAIN HAKIM SENDIRI.

The latest, Desta's action of being unable to hold back tears when joining the HI KIDS trend in the show has attracted attention. Although many claimed to be touched, there were also those who mocked Desta.

So, what is the portrait of Desta unable to hold back tears when joining the HI KIDS trend? Let's find out more information below.

1. Potret Desta

Deddy Mahendra Desta is a presenter and comedian who has recently been in the spotlight. In addition to his recent failed marriage with Natasha Rizky, his actions on television have also caught the attention of netizens. Lately, Desta has become one of the players in the program MAIN HAKIM SENDIRI.

2. His Actions in the Program MAIN HAKIM SENDIRI

Desta's always hilarious actions as a judge on the show have become a special attraction for viewers. Recently, the cast of MAIN HAKIM SENDIRI participated in the HI KIDS trend. Desta's actions when giving words to his child have also garnered attention and received many comments.

3. Following the HI KIDS Trend

HI KIDS is a video trend aimed at children and future children. In the content, the creators express a special message for their beloved children. The video begins with the greeting "Hi Kids, this is your mom/dad", as done by Desta and his colleagues in MAIN HAKIM SENDIRI.

4. Can't Hold Back Tears

When it was Desta's turn to start the HI KIDS trend, he appeared very serious in choosing his words for his children. As is known, Desta and his ex-wife have three children, namely Megumi, Miskha, and Miguel. However, after saying a few words, Desta immediately teared up and couldn't hold back his tears.

5. Desta: I Might Not Be the Best Father

Pausing for a moment, Desta continued his speech and admitted that he might not be the best father in the world. However, the former husband of Natasha Rizky said that he will always try his best.

"I might not be the best father in the world for you, but one thing is for sure, Dad will always try his best," he said, pausing once again.

6. Still Brings Laughter

Not finishing his message to his child, Desta immediately moved away from the camera because he admitted that he would truly cry. Although the atmosphere of the MAIN HAKIM SENDIRI show that day was full of sorrow, there were still moments that brought laughter. Even Rigen jokingly teased Desta, who seemed to be struggling to hold back tears.

7. Got Mocked Instead

A clip of Desta participating in the HI KIDS trend went viral on social media. Through the post, Desta got mocked for not following his child's small request to stop wearing earrings that the child didn't like.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of pictures of Desta unable to hold back tears when joining the HI KIDS trend.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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