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7 Pictures of Catheez, Meyden and Vior on Vacation in Europe, Their Closeness with Famous Celebrities Highlighted

7 Pictures of Catheez, Meyden and Vior on Vacation in Europe, Their Closeness with Famous Celebrities Highlighted Pictures of Catheez, Meyden and Vior on vacation in Europe (credit: - A number of Indonesian celebrities are known to be spending their vacation time in Europe. This includes influencers, celebrity Instagrammers, and content creators like Catheez, Meyden, and Vior sharing moments of closeness with famous celebrities.

The vacation moments of these celebrities along with the lineup of celebrity Instagrammers, influencers, content creators, and YouTubers are part of a beauty brand's vacation agenda. During their vacation, Catheez, Meyden, and Vior consistently uploaded moments of their time in Italy and Switzerland.

The moments of togetherness of Catheez, Meyden, and Vior successfully caught the attention of fans. Curious about what the vacation pictures of Catheez, Meyden, and Vior in Europe look like? Check it out here KLovers.

1. Potret Catheez, Meyden and Vior's Vacation in Europe

Catheez, Meyden, and Vior recently shared their vacation moments in Europe. Together with the MS Glow Bos group, including Shandy Purnamasari and Maharani Kemala, the three of them looked so happy while sightseeing. Meanwhile, this content creator, also known as a Mobile Legends game streamer, was known to have visited Italy and Switzerland.

2. Vacation Together with BA Brand Skincare

These three celebrities, along with other group members, shared beautiful moments during their vacation in Europe through social media. As information, Catheez, Meyden, and Vior went on vacation together with the MS Glow beauty brand ambassador lineup.

It is known that the three of them also collaborated with the skincare brand. It is not surprising that during their vacation, Catheez, Meyden, and Vior also promoted several beauty brand products through their personal Instagram accounts.

3. With Celebrities

Catheez, Meyden, and Vior were also seen spending time with other celebrities who joined them on their trip. Their photos together caught the attention of the public. Among the celebrities were Ivan Gunawan, Aaliyah Massaid, Lesti Kejora, Ria Ricis, Happy Asmara, and Violenzia Jeanette. This is how their togetherness appears close with the celebrities.

4. Looking Beautiful

Of course, there is nothing lacking in terms of appearance. Chatezz, Meyden, and Vior looked charming with their fashionable outfits that suited the holiday atmosphere in Europe. Like in this snapshot, all three of them have beautiful faces. Meyden looked enchanting with her brown hair color. Meanwhile, Meyden changed her hairstyle to blonde.

5. Stay Funny and Exciting

Upon arriving in Milan, Italy, they immediately went sightseeing and took lots of photos. During the trip, funny and exciting moments were captured from their togetherness. Laughter filled the air as Catheez, Meyden, and Vior were on the bus. This situation certainly completes the enjoyable holiday moments.

6. Wearing Stylish OOTD

Not forgetting, Catheez, Meyden, and Vior always dress up beautifully and wear stylish OOTDs during their time in Europe. All three of them look fashionable with their captivating outfits. Upon arriving in Europe, they didn't forget to wear winter clothes, such as thick jackets. This is how Catheez, Meyden, and Vior's enchanting appearance looks like.

7. Looking Very Compact

It cannot be denied that the three of them look very compact. Happiness is radiating from their expressions while being in Europe. During their stroll in Europe, Catheez, Meyden, and Vior appear inseparable from each other.

That is the portrait of Catheez, Meyden, and Vior's vacation in Europe. Their moments of togetherness during the vacation showcase a stylish and friendly relationship.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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