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7 Portraits of Aldi Taher Who Admits to Only Spending 100 Thousand Rupiah for Campaigning, Turns Out It's for Buying Iced Tea

7 Portraits of Aldi Taher Who Admits to Only Spending 100 Thousand Rupiah for Campaigning, Turns Out It's for Buying Iced Tea Portrait of Aldi Taher participating in the campaign (credit: Akrom Sukarya) - Several celebrities decided to enter the world of politics by running as legislative candidates. One of those highlighted is Aldi Taher, who has a unique campaign style when campaigning.

Participation of Aldi Taher in the general election successfully caught attention. Considering that he is often known for his eccentric and entertaining actions. Moreover, during the campaign period, Aldi Taher has his own style compared to other celebrities who participate in the campaign.

Recently, the fact was revealed that Aldi Taher only spent less than a million rupiah. Here are portraits of Aldi Taher that caught attention with his statements after running in the campaign.

1. Portrait of Aldi Taher Running for Election

Aldi Taher decided to enter the world of politics by running in the general election as a legislative candidate. For your information, Salsabillih's husband is running in the West Java VII electoral district as a legislative candidate (caleg) from the Perindo party. This is the latest portrait of Aldi Taher that is being highlighted.

2. Unconventional Campaign Actions

During the campaign period, Aldi Taher has been in the spotlight due to his funny actions. On one occasion, Aldi Taher openly asked people not to vote for him, whether jokingly or seriously, his attitude has caught attention. In fact, through his social media account, this 40-year-old actor even showed a picture when some people cast their votes for him at the polling station.

3. Admit Only Spending IDR 100,000

If most candidates are willing to spend a considerable amount of money during the campaign, it turns out to be different for Aldi Taher. In fact, Aldi Taher admitted to only spending IDR 100,000. This confession immediately made him the center of attention.

"Yes (IDR 100,000), I would get scolded by my wife if the household money is used (for campaign expenses)," said Aldi Taher when met by the media in the Kemang area, South Jakarta, (21/02)

4. Caught Off Guard Just to Buy Iced Tea

Apparently, Aldi Taher also mentioned that the campaign did not use a lot of money. And, the confession about only spending IDR 100,000 turned out to be used to buy iced tea. Although only spending a small amount of money, Aldi Taher still managed to get thousands of votes. According to data from the General Election Commission (KPU), Aldi Taher managed to get a total of 2,342 votes.

"Budget of IDR 100,000, seriously. Campaigning doesn't cost much, just this one hundred thousand was caught off guard, to buy sweet tea," he said.

5. Respect for Artists Who Are Willing to Spend a Lot of Money When Campaigning

Although only spending a small amount of money for his campaign, Aldi Taher also respects and appreciates other candidates who are willing to spend a much larger amount. One of them is Dede Sunandar, who is willing to sell his car for campaigning.

"He doesn't regret it because his intentions are good, consider it as charity. If the goal is different, then regret it, consider it as not being destined, sincere," he said.

6. Making a Song About Failing in Campaigning

After the election, Aldi Taher uploaded a short video showing his singing performance. The song is actually related to the failure in campaigning. Aldi Taher also inserted lyrics to prevent stress even though experiencing failure in campaigning. It's no wonder that his action successfully entertained netizens.

7. His Successful Entertaining Action

Aldi Taher's participation in politics has become its own attraction. Through his actions and unique campaign, he managed to create his own entertainment. Several pro and contra responses emerged, especially regarding Aldi Taher's statements about his reasons for choosing to run for office.

"From the beginning, I said, I'm running for office to find money. Now I ask, if there is no salary or allowance for legislative-executive positions, would you still want to run for office? Of course not, Finding money means there is a salary. We all look for halal jobs. Running for office is halal, presidential elections are halal, being a minister is halal. What is not halal is stealing," explained Aldi Taher as quoted from from the Sambel Lalap channel, (21/02).

"So if you ask me from the beginning, yes, I want to find money, find a salary, so that I can work. Yes, I am the head of the household. I have to find work to support my children and wife," he added.

That is the portrait of Aldi Taher who participated in running for office but did not spend a lot of money. Aldi Taher's confession has made him the center of attention.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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