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7 Portraits of Aneska, Iko Uwais and Audy Item's Child, A Young Drum Master - Looks Like a Little Rocker

7 Portraits of Aneska, Iko Uwais and Audy Item's Child, A Young Drum Master - Looks Like a Little Rocker Portrait of Aneska, Iko Uwais and Audy Item's Child (Credit: Instagram/audyitem) - Being born to parents who both work in the entertainment industry, Aneska often attracts attention. The second child of Iko Uwais and Audy Item is only five years old, but she has already shown her talent in music.

Recently, a portrait of Aneska playing the drums was posted by her mother on Instagram. Audy Item's post about her child's portrait, who looks like a little rocker, received a flood of praise.

So, what are the portraits like of Aneska, Iko Uwais' child and Audy Item, who is a young drum master? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Aneska, the Child of Iko Uwais and Audy Item

Aneska Layla Putri Uwais is the second child of Iko Uwais and Audy Item. Born from parents who both have big names, she often attracts attention. Most recently, a photo of Aneska performing on the drums, uploaded by her mother, successfully caught the attention.

2. 5 Years Old

Born on June 8, 2018, Aneska has now reached the age of 5. Although still young, the seeds of an artist seem to be starting to show. This is natural because both of her parents have careers in the entertainment industry.

3. A Young Drum Master

In the caption of Aneska's latest photo, Audy Item referred to her as a "little drummer". Iko Uwais' wife appeared to be very proud of her child's stage performance with her peers.

"My Little drummer Aneska, so proud-learning celebration EY2, " captioned Audy Item.

4. Appearing like a Little Rocker

In one of the photo slides, Aneska is seen stylishly wearing all-black clothes. The five-year-old child's appearance is like a little rocker. Due to her dedication in playing and styling, Aneska receives a lot of praise.

5. Inheriting Family Talent

It's not strange that Aneska has shown interest in the world of music since a young age. It can be said that she inherited her family's talent. Her mother is a singer who has been in the industry since 1999. On the other hand, Aneska is also the granddaughter of Indonesian jazz musician, Jopie Item.

6. Netizen: Like Mother Like Daughter

In one photo, Audy Item combines a photo of Aneska and herself while playing the drums together. As mentioned, Audy Item is a musician who inherits talent from her father. Netizens also refer to Audy Item and Aneska as "like mother like daughter".

7. Very Beautiful

Not only talent, Aneska's cute face also catches attention. It seems that Aneska's adorable face is also inherited from both of her parents. Audy Item has a beautiful face, while Iko Uwais, her father, is also an actor with a handsome face.

Now, KLovers, those are a series of photos of Aneska, the child of Iko Uwais and Audy Item, who is skilled at playing the drums.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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