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7 Portraits of Asila Maisa Who Chooses to Study Law Inspired by Kim Kardashian, Dreams of Becoming a Prosecutor but Still Wants to Sing

7 Portraits of Asila Maisa Who Chooses to Study Law Inspired by Kim Kardashian, Dreams of Becoming a Prosecutor but Still Wants to Sing

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7 Portraits of Asila Maisa Who Chooses to Study Law Inspired by Kim Kardashian, Dreams of Becoming a Prosecutor but Still Wants to Sing

In the midst of her rising music career, young singer Asila Maisa continues to prioritize education. The daughter of renowned presenter Ramzi is currently studying at the University of Indonesia, majoring in law.

Asila revealed that she successfully gained admission to the University of Indonesia through the International Class Admission Test (SIMAK KKI). According to her, the struggle to pass this route was not easy, but her hard work paid off. Here are the details.


"Because I took SIMAK KKI, there was an English test and other exams. Thank God my IELTS score was good. They called me and said it was good. And it turns out my SIMAK score was also good, so I got accepted," said Asila when met in the Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta, recently.  


Asila chose the law major because she has long had an interest in this field. She wants to delve into various aspects of law, including criminology and politics, which she finds very interesting and relevant to many things in everyday life. "But I can't study too much in detail about law if I take politics and criminology. So in the end, I took law," explained the 18-year-old girl.  


Furthermore, Asila added that besides studying, she also has the ambition to become a legal practitioner. She mentioned Kim Kardashian as her inspiration in balancing the entertainment world and a career in law.  


“But if you want to become a lawyer, it’s actually possible. Like if you look at Hollywood stars, like Kim Kardashian, she has a big name. But she is also actually a lawyer, she is also in the field of law. So it’s actually possible,” she expressed.  


In addition to being a lawyer, Asila also dreams of one day becoming a prosecutor. For her, being a prosecutor is one of the professions that plays an important role in upholding justice, and she feels challenged to achieve that goal. “Actually, I really want to be a prosecutor,” she said enthusiastically.  


However, Asila also realizes the challenge of balancing her music career with her profession in law. She admits that she is not fully confident about her future, but for now, music is still her main priority.  


“But because I really don’t want to leave singing and entertainment. So if I do want to take a job in the legal field, it would probably be as a lawyer,” she said. Stay tuned for the latest updates about Asila and other artists only on KapanLagi. If not now, when?  

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