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7 Portraits of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar-Irwansyah's Soul Soother Awaited for 1 Decade - Can Already Pose Relax

7 Portraits of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar-Irwansyah's Soul Soother Awaited for 1 Decade - Can Already Pose Relax

Celebrity Children

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7 Portraits of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar-Irwansyah's Soul Soother Awaited for 1 Decade - Can Already Pose Relax

Happiness is currently enveloping the hearts of Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah. Yes, they have just been blessed with a baby boy named Ukkasya. This baby is special because they have been waiting for him for a decade. Take a look at the photos!

7 Portraits of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar-Irwansyah's Soul Soother Awaited for 1 Decade - Can Already Pose Relax

As KLovers know, Irwansyah and Zaskia's marriage has been going on for years. They have not been blessed with a child until they decided to try IVF.


Their efforts were not in vain. The fertilization process was successful, and the fetus grew inside Zaskia's womb. The little one grew healthily until the time of delivery.


Yes, right at the end of March 2021, Zaskia and Irwansyah's first son was born. Zaskia announced it herself on Instagram. He was born healthy.


"Alhamdulillah, Ukkasya is healthy and born weighing 3.4 kilograms. MasyaAllah Tabarakallah, please pray for Ukkasya always, uncle and aunt," wrote Shireen Sungkar's sister.

7 Portraits of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar-Irwansyah's Soul Soother Awaited for 1 Decade - Can Already Pose Relax

According to Zaskia, her son, whom she calls the comfort of her soul, loves to drink breast milk. "Assalamualaikum, my righteous child, Ukkasya Muhammad Syahki, a good child, the apple of mommy and daddy's eyes, who constantly breastfeeds," she continued.


The post was immediately flooded with comments from netizens. Many celebrities wrote their congratulations, from Cut Meyriska to Dhini Aminarti.

7 Portraits of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar-Irwansyah's Soul Soother Awaited for 1 Decade - Can Already Pose Relax

There are many netizens who are actually focused on Ukkasya's face. Yes, that little one is indeed very handsome. Some also mention how Ukkasya resembles Irwansyah.