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7 Portraits of Enno Lerian's Husband that Rarely Get Attention, Looks Fierce but Actually Funny - Making Cheesy Jokes like Dads

7 Portraits of Enno Lerian's Husband that Rarely Get Attention, Looks Fierce but Actually Funny - Making Cheesy Jokes like Dads Portrait of Enno Lerian's Husband (Credit: Instagram/ennolerian_/dogdaytime) - After 12 years of marriage, Enno Lerian uploaded the latest content about her togetherness with her husband, Priambodo Soesetyo. Despite having a fierce appearance, Enno Lerian's husband, who rarely gets attention, is actually funny, KLovers!

Enno Lerian also showed a video of her husband making cheesy jokes like dads. The harmony of their family is also evident. Now, their happiness is complete with the presence of three sons.

Curious about the portraits of Enno Lerian's husband who rarely gets attention? Let's find out more information below.


1. Portrait of Enno Lerian's Husband

Enno Lerian is a former child singer who later pursued a career as a film and soap opera actress. After her marriage to Muhammad Nayaka Untara ended, Enno Lerian married a man named Priambodo Soesetyo. Here is the latest portrait of Enno Lerian's husband, which is often uploaded on Instagram.


2. Rarely in the Spotlight

Not from the celebrity circle, Priambodo Soesetyo can be considered rarely in the spotlight. When marrying Enno Lerian, this man who works as a businessman is a widower with one child. Enno Lerian already has a son named Bumi Pradipa Pria Untara from her previous marriage.


3. Looks Fierce

Although rarely seen, Priambodo Soesetyo actually appears quite often on his wife's Instagram, KLovers! He is also active in uploading daily activities on his personal account. Recently, Enno Lerian uploaded a video content about her husband, whose face looks fierce.

"What people value about my husband: Serious, Fierce!!" Enno Lerian wrote in the video.


4. Actually Funny

Furthermore, Enno Lerian reveals the humorous nature of her husband. With a large build and many tattoos on his arms, Priambodo Soesetyo shows a cheerful expression while enjoying live music at a restaurant. Enno Lerian also writes in the caption that although her husband can be annoying at times, it cannot be denied that she is infatuated with him.

"Even though he can be really annoying to the point of suffocating, I can't deny that I'm a bucin for him," Enno Lerian wrote in the caption.


5. Creating Cheesy Pickup Lines ala Dads

In addition to being funny, Priambodo Soesetyo also likes to create cheesy pickup lines. Enno Lerian refers to them as dad's pickup lines. However, she actually likes her husband's style, who has been with her for 12 years.

"12 years of being together, still dating, right Dad, even though your pickup lines feel very dad-like (yeah, really cheesy), but I like it, hihihi," Enno Lerian confessed in the caption column.


6. Together with the Children

In her marriage with Priambodo Soesetyo, Enno Lerian gave birth to three sons. They are named Abimanyu Praja, Nararya Aliy, and Gema Tyaga. Not only funny, but Priambodo Soesetyo is also a great father, KLovers! Here are portraits of Priambodo Soesetyo's togetherness with his three sons.


7. Harmonious Marriage

Since getting married in 2011, Enno Lerian and Priambodo Soesetyo have always been harmonious until now. During their 12 years of marriage, they have also been actively displaying affection on Instagram. The happy and cheerful aura always radiates from their daily activities.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of rarely seen portraits of Enno Lerian's husband. Although he looks fierce, he is actually funny and often makes dad-style corny jokes.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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