You may be familiar with Hotman Paris Hutapea, but do you know what his office looks like? Surprisingly, Hotman's office is located in a shop house with a super expensive price.
What does the office look like? Find out here.
Hotman Paris Sensation
You may be familiar with Hotman Paris Hutapea, but do you know what his office looks like? Surprisingly, Hotman's office is located in a shop house with a super expensive price.
What does the office look like? Find out here.
Here is a portrait of the shop house that serves as Hotman Paris' office. Hotman said that this shop house is the most expensive one he has ever bought in Indonesia.
He has a reason for choosing this shop house. Besides being close to his house, the shop house is relatively safe from Jakarta's traffic.
Here is a picture of Hotman's workspace. It looks messy but there is a stack of important documents there.
The office has 4 floors. Unfortunately, the top floor cannot be shown to just anyone because of the abundance of classified documents.
For sure, there are a series of awards, photos, and articles displayed in Hotman's workspace.
Not forgetting, family photos and personal photos are also displayed on the walls of this room.
In addition to Melaney Ricardo, Hotman Paris Hutapea also has another beautiful assistant in the talk show he stars in.
Hotman Paris Hutapea is officially 60 years old!
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