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7 Portraits of Khayra Gunawan Sudrajat's Birthday, 18 Years Old Now More Charming

7 Portraits of Khayra Gunawan Sudrajat's Birthday, 18 Years Old Now More Charming Potret ultah Khayra anak Gunawan Sudrajat (credit: - Ghaniya Khayra Shakilla Naja Hardikusumo, or commonly known as Khayra, is the second child of the famous actor Gunawan Sudrajat and Lala Gunawan. Recently, she celebrated her 18th birthday.

Khayra's birthday celebration was held in Melbourne, Australia. This is not surprising as Gunawan Sudrajat's children are known to be pursuing higher education there. On her birthday, Khayra's good friends also surprised her.

There were even some who flew from Singapore to Melbourne for Khayra's birthday. Curious about what the photos look like? Check out the photos of Gunawan Sudrajat's child's birthday here.

1. Portrait of Khayra's Birthday, Gunawan Sudrajat's Child

Khayra is Gunawan Sudrajat's second child who was born in 2006. Recently, Khayra celebrated her birthday in Melbourne, Australia. On her birthday, Khayra looked so happy spending time with her loved ones. Despite the absence of her father who was busy with shooting schedules in Indonesia, Khayra remained happy with her mother and beloved sibling.

2. Turning 18 Years Old

Now, Khayra has turned 18 years old. In this mature age, Khayra's appearance often catches public attention. Many praised Khayra's figure despite having experienced unpleasant situations in the past, as her appearance was once bullied. Meanwhile, Khayra now shows a captivating transformation. She is also quite popular on social media with thousands of Instagram followers.

3. Dinner with Family and Friends

Khayra's birthday was celebrated simply with loved ones. Lala Gunawan even revealed an interesting fact about her daughter's birthday, which has never been celebrated on a grand scale. Khayra only requested to celebrate with family and friends over dinner. Like this portrait, Khayra celebrated her 18th birthday with a dinner together with them.

"There has never been a celebration in a grand ballroom. Khayra has always asked for a dinner with her family and close friends," wrote Lala Gunawan in the caption @lala_gunawan_family.

4. Joyful Gathering with Friends

Currently studying at Monash University, Khayra was very happy when her beloved friend came to Melbourne. Her mother gave her a special surprise for her birthday. As well as her good friends who intentionally came from Singapore to Melbourne. It's no wonder that this moment is very happy and memorable when her birthday can be celebrated with family.

"And these are close friends who have become our family and our children in Singapore and Melbourne. Khayra's close friends gathered on her 18th birthday. Thank you for all the good wishes and for Khayra's presence. Love you all," she continued.

5. Even More Charming

As a teenager, Khayra looks incredibly charming. Although she rarely updates her activities on social media, Khayra's latest portraits often appear on her parents' social media accounts. In fact, various portraits of Khayra always receive praise because Gunawan Sudrajat's daughter looks enchanting. Like on her birthday, Khayra wore a slim pink dress. She also let her beautiful hair flow.

6. Her Beautiful Face Makes You Focus

In this birthday dinner moment, Khayra became the star. Khayra's mother and friends even appeared in black outfits. No wonder, Khayra stole the attention in her birthday celebration like in this portrait. Not forgetting, she captured precious moments of her 18th birthday celebration with her loved ones.

7. Like Siblings When Together with Mom

The togetherness of Khayra and her mother often steals the attention. Because their appearance is truly charming, like siblings. Like in this portrait, Khayra's appearance with her mother. Several moments also show their close bond. Meanwhile, Khayra's beautiful face apparently inherited from her mother.

That's the portrait of Khayra, Gunawan Sudrajat's second child, when celebrating her birthday. Khayra's elegant and charming style also captivates fans.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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