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7 Portraits of Nana Mirdad Wearing a Tank Top in the Middle of Snow, Making Worried About Catching a Cold

7 Portraits of Nana Mirdad Wearing a Tank Top in the Middle of Snow, Making Worried About Catching a Cold Portrait of Nana Mirdad wearing a tank top in the middle of the snow (credit: - Nana Mirdad, has amazed fans with her stunning portraits while vacationing in Japan. Andrew White's wife appeared wearing a tank top in the middle of the snow.

The celebrity family, Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, recently spent their vacation in Japan. Along with their two children, this celebrity couple was seen enjoying their vacation moments in Hokkaido. And, skiing was one of the must-visit tourist destinations.

The beautiful actress and Lydia Kandou's daughter, shared an exciting moment of skiing in Japan. Interestingly, she showed a portrait of herself wearing only a tank top after skiing. Curious about what the portrait looks like? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Nana Mirdad Skiing in Japan

In Hokkaido, the Nana Mirdad family chose an exciting tourist destination located in the Niseko area. Nana Mirdad, Andrew White, and their two children were so happy enjoying the moment of skiing. In fact, Nana Mirdad admitted that skiing has become her favorite activity with her family. Before skiing, Nana Mirdad and her family had to access it using a cable car. This is because the location is situated in hilly terrain.

"Thank you, Niseko powder days! March skiing is definitely our favorite from now on," Nana Mirdad wrote in the caption @nanamirdad_.

2. Wearing a Tanktop in the Middle of the Snow

As can be seen in the photos shared by Nana Mirdad on her social media, they enjoyed the moment of skiing amidst the beauty of nature in Niseko. However, one thing that caught the attention of netizens was Nana Mirdad's choice of clothing.

In several photos, Nana Mirdad can be seen casually taking off her warm jacket in the middle of the cold snow. She only wore a black one-shoulder top. For many people, her portrait seemed quite daring, even perhaps a little reckless considering the cold weather.

"Who says snow is cold?" Nana Mirdad wrote in the caption @nanamirdad_.

3. Cold But Not Too Cold

Although her appearance attracted attention with a tank top in the middle of the snow, Nana Mirdad admitted that it was indeed cold. Moreover, the weather was also windy despite being quite sunny. However, skiing activities made her sweat and kept her body temperature warm. This is what made her able to wear a tank top there.

"Yes, it was cold, why not? But honestly, when skiing, you will definitely sweat a lot and eventually it won't feel as cold," wrote Nana Mirdad in her story on her personal Instagram.

4. Turns Out It Was -4 Degrees Celsius

Nana Mirdad also explained that the temperature when the photo was taken showed -4 degrees Celsius. It was quite cold, but Nana Mirdad still appeared strong despite wearing a tank top. She also explained that her body temperature increased after skiing, which made her not feel the cold too much.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was -4 degrees Celsius and cloudy when this photo was taken, but because I moved a lot, it didn't feel that cold even though it was windy. And the real strength comes from enduring for the sake of the photo," she continued.

5. Admit Climbing and Taking Selfies

Many netizens are curious about the behind-the-scenes moment when Nana Mirdad captured her portrait wearing a tank top in the snowy weather. However, it turns out that Andrew White's wife admitted that she climbed and captured the moment alone. This is what prevents her from sharing the behind-the-scenes moment.

"Taking selfies, climbing hills alone, feeling cold alone. When will I have time for behind-the-scenes? Do I have to bring a photographer in the future?" Nana Mirdad wrote in the comments section @nanamirdad_.

6. Causing Concern for Catching a Cold

Although Nana Mirdad seems to enjoy the moment, many netizens are worried about her condition. One of the concerns is the potential health effects that may arise from the artist only wearing a tank top. Despite causing concerns about catching a cold, Nana Mirdad appears to be fine.

"Isn't this dedication impressive?" Nana Mirdad replied in the comments section to the netizen's concern.

7. Beautiful Look in Selfies

Despite the cold weather, Nana Mirdad still looks enchanting in every selfie she takes. Her beauty stands out against the white snowy background. This is how the artist looks so happy having fun skiing in Japan.

That's the portrait of Nana Mirdad wearing only a tank top in the middle of the snow. Nana Mirdad and her family look very happy enjoying their vacation in Japan.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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