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Back to the Original Settings, Here's a Portrait of Devano Danendra, Iis Dahlia's Son Whose Appearance is Missed by Netizens

Back to the Original Settings, Here's a Portrait of Devano Danendra, Iis Dahlia's Son Whose Appearance is Missed by Netizens Portrait of Devano Danendra, Iis Dahlia's Son (Credit: Instagram/iamdevano) - Devano Danendra is the son of singer Iis Dahlia. Not relying on his mother's name, he entered the entertainment world as a singer, model, and actor.

Latest, the portrait of Devano Danendra who returned to the original settings has attracted attention. After going viral with an eccentric appearance during a photoshoot, now Devano appears casual, but still stylish.

So, what is the portrait of Devano Danendra, Iis Dahlia's son whose appearance is missed by netizens and returned to the original settings? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Devano Danendra, Iis Dahlia's Son

Devano Danendra is a singer, model, and actor who has started his career since 2017. On the other hand, he is the son of singer Iis Dahlia. It's no wonder that Danendra's activities shared on Instagram often attract attention.

2. Returning to the Original Setting

Devano Danendra uploaded his latest portrait on Instagram. In the caption column, he mentioned that he has returned to the original setting.

"Returning to the original setting," wrote Devano Danendra as the caption.

3. His Appearance is Missed by Netizens

The original setting referred to by Devano Danendra seems to refer to his latest appearance. It's because many netizens are focused on the appearance of this 21-year-old man. Devano's latest portrait turns out to be the appearance that netizens miss.

4. Casual Dressing

In the photo, Devano Danendra is seen posing in casual attire. He wears a light green checkered shirt as a top, paired with cream-colored pants. Devano's simple yet cool appearance has received a lot of praise, KLovers!

5. Showing Off Ripped Socks

In addition to his stylish and handsome looks, Devano Danendra's ripped socks have also caught attention. He admitted to liking to wear ripped socks and included a photo of the socks while boarding a plane.

"I don't like flying. I'm afraid of turbulence, and my ripped socks are my go-to," he added in the caption.

6. Previously Styled Eccentrically

A while ago, Devano Danendra caught attention with his eccentric style. He had a photoshoot with various vibrant colors. His hair was also dyed with golden color. However, now it seems that he has returned to his original look with black hair and casual clothes.

7. Wearing Earrings

Aside from his clothes and hair, the accessories worn by Devano also became a highlight. In one pose, he prominently showcased large padlock-shaped earrings.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Devano Danendra, Iis Dahlia's son, who has returned to his original look.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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