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7 Photos of Naura Ayu's First Day as a College Student, Her Appearance Becomes the Highlight

7 Photos of Naura Ayu's First Day as a College Student, Her Appearance Becomes the Highlight Portrait of Naura Ayu's First Day as a College Student (Credit: Instagram/riafinola) - Naura Ayu is a singer who has made her debut since 2014. Through her parents' latest post, it is known that Naura Ayu has just started her first day of college.

A special moment when Naura Ayu was accompanied by her father has made many netizens jealous. In addition, her simple yet beautiful style has caught attention.

Curious about the portrait of Naura Ayu on her first day as a college student and her eye-catching appearance? Let's find out more information below.


1. Latest Portrait of Naura Ayu

At the beginning of her appearance, Naura Ayu was known as a child singer. Following in her mother's footsteps, Rafinola Ifani Sari, she released her first album titled Dongeng. Remaining active in the entertainment world until now, the latest portrait of Naura Ayu has attracted attention. Having reached the age of 18, Naura Ayu is now officially a college student.


2. Hari Pertama Jadi Anak Kuliahan

Through Rafinola's latest post, it is known that Naura Ayu has gone through her first day as a college student. She is enrolled as a student at Pelita Harapan University. Her mother didn't expect her daughter to grow up so fast, even though she feels like she just enrolled her in elementary school yesterday.

"Congratulations on entering a new phase, dear... Your sister is already in college now, it feels like just yesterday I registered you for elementary school," Rafinola captioned.


3. Prayer from the Mother

In addition to congratulating her on the new phase of life, Rafinola also conveyed a prayer. She hopes that her daughter will always be guided and protected by Allah SWT. Rafinola also shared moments of togetherness between Naura Ayu and her new friends on campus.

"Congratulations on your pursuit of knowledge, my dear @naura.ayu. May Allah SWT always guide and protect you, my sister," she continued.


4. Accompanied by Papa

Meanwhile, the father, Baldy Mulya Putra, also shared a special moment when accompanying his daughter to campus. He recorded the moments when Naura Ayu got out of the car while saying gentle words. Baldy Mulya Putra also shared a moment when accompanying his daughter on the second day.

"Bye bye my dear, first day of college, love you, my dear," said Naura Ayu's father.


5. Making Others Envious

The moment when Naura Ayu became a college student and was accompanied by her father made some netizens envious. The Instagram Story was also shared by one of the rumpi_gosip accounts. The post immediately received a flood of comments. Many also expressed their envy because they have never been accompanied to school by their father.


6. Her Appearance Becomes the Highlight

In addition to the heartwarming moment, Naura Ayu's appearance on her first day of college also became the highlight. Her beauty has never been in doubt. Naura Ayu seems to have successfully inherited the charm of her parents, who are indeed beautiful.


7. Simple and Very Beautiful

On the first day of school, Naura Ayu wore a green army shirt with long black pants. Her long hair was let down, combined with a white headband. Naura Ayu's simple style actually makes her look very beautiful, KLovers!

So, those are a series of photos of Naura Ayu's first day as a college student and her appearance became the center of attention.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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