Sarwendah was sick recently. She admitted feeling nauseous and weak. Betrand Peto and Thalia Putri Onsu took care of her at home. What was it like? Let's take a look at the photos!
Celebrity Activities
Sarwendah was sick recently. She admitted feeling nauseous and weak. Betrand Peto and Thalia Putri Onsu took care of her at home. What was it like? Let's take a look at the photos!
That day, Sarwendah had just finished taking a shower. She was getting ready for filming when suddenly she felt nauseous. Betrand Peto immediately brought rice, thinking that his mother hadn't eaten yet.
Sarwendah then sat on the edge of the bed. She looked sick, which instantly made her two children worried. Little Thalia then massaged Sarwendah's head.
Not forgetting, Thalia also massaged Sarwendah's hands. As KLovers know, Thalia is skilled in massage. She was taught how to massage in her school.
Unable to fill Sarwendah's stomach with rice, Betrand Peto then made a cup of bitter tea. The tea was still very hot, and Sarwendah reluctantly drank it.
Indeed, the tea was so hot that Sarwendah's tongue felt like it was burning. She lay back down while fanning her own tongue with her hand.
After making hot tea for Sarwendah, Betrand Peto then helped Sarwendah prepare for the shooting. He arranged the makeup that his mother usually wears.
Not only that, he also chose the right outfit for Sarwendah. All of that, he then packed into several bags. Sarwendah could immediately go for shooting even though she was sick.
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