Kapanlagi.com - The eldest child of Tika Ramlan or Tika formerly of T2 recently caught attention. Because her eldest son has a handsome face that distracts netizens. Besides being handsome, her first child named Arkana Uno Raharso has a cool style.
Kartika Yudia Ramlan, who is now affectionately called Tika Ramlan, was born in Surabaya 34 years ago. Her career journey began when Tika, formerly of T2, became a finalist on Akademi Fantasi Indosiar (AFI). Although eliminated from the competition, Tika continued her career in the music industry by forming a duo group with Tiwi called T2.
Various songs from the T2 duo group were hits in their time. Such as OK, TUA-TUA KELADI, and LELAKI CADANGAN. However, the journey of this duo group was halted as they officially disbanded in 2014.
Their last released album titled STOP BABY became T2's final album for their fans. After not being together with the duo group T2 that made its name, Tika became a soloist by releasing a single titled AKU BERTAHAN pada 2017. Currently, she is more focused on being a housewife.
In 2009, Tika married Tri Aji Raharso in Bandung, who currently has 3 beautiful and handsome children. After 10 years of marriage, Tika is part of a harmonious family, although there are ups and downs.
Tika's three children include Arkana Uno Raharso, Attala Mada Raharso, and Chayra Sabiya Raharso Hadinoto. Her first child, Arkana Uno Raharso, or affectionately called Uno, is starting to become a teenager. Uno has a handsome and cool style, to the point of causing distraction.
These are 7 rarely highlighted portraits of Tika's son, the former T2 member, as reported from the Instagram account @tika_ramlan.
1. Stylish Look Complete with Bow Tie

(credit: instagram.com/tika_ramlan/)
Tika's eldest son is indeed skilled in styling. In this portrait, Uno even looks proficient in posing in front of the camera. Wearing a white suit with a bow tie, black pants, and running shoes, adds a stylish look to Uno. Tika revealed that Uno is entering his teenage years.
"Soon, you won't be Mama's beloved little child who loves hugging Mama. Ahhhh please don't grow up so fast," she expressed in the caption @tika_ramlan.
2. Mirip Oppa Korea

(credit: instagram.com/tika_ramlan/)
Blonde hair owned by Uno, Tika's eldest son, as well as his fair skin, resembles a handsome Korean oppa. His handsome appearance is further enhanced by a thick yellow jacket. This portrait was taken on Uno's 10th birthday.
3. Cool Style During Quality Time with Family

(credit: instagram.com/tika_ramlan/)
During quality time with his mom and siblings, Uno remains true to his cool style. His casual style, complete with boots, adds to his coolness. Uno's handsome and cool pose is perfect for quality time.
4. Cute Pose While Taking Care of His Sibling

(credit: instagram.com/tika_ramlan/)
In addition to having a handsome appearance, it seems that Tika's eldest son can also be a good older brother. One of them is this portrait when Uno accompanies his sibling and poses cutely together. It's clear that Uno really loves his sibling, KLovers.
5. Charming Cold Expression

(credit: instagram.com/tika_ramlan/)
When taking a photo with his family, Uno is very skilled at posing coolly. This portrait is the proof, when his parents and siblings show expressive poses, but Uno poses coldly yet charmingly.
6. Handsome and Distracting

(credit: instagram.com/tika_ramlan/)
The portrait from the side of Tika's eldest son looks even more handsome. Yes, many netizens are distracted by this portrait.
7. Cool Casual Style

(credit: instagram.com/tika_ramlan/)
In this portrait, Tika poses with her eldest son, Uno. Uno is very skilled in his style, yes after wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and white shoes, he looks cool. The cute pose facing the camera adds to his handsome aura.
Well, those are 7 portraits of Tika's former T2 son that are rarely highlighted, looking handsome and having a cool style. Do you agree, KLovers?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.