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7 Portraits of Togetherness Ali Syakieb & Margin Wieheerm, Getting Closer - Posting Photos Together

7 Portraits of Togetherness Ali Syakieb & Margin Wieheerm, Getting Closer - Posting Photos Together Ali Syakieb & Margin Wieheerm (credit:; credit: - The news of the closeness between Ali Syakieb and Margin Wieheerm has been widely discussed by the public. They appear to be in sync, posting photos together on their respective Instagram accounts. Although not many people know about their special relationship yet, it is not uncommon for netizens to pair them up and hope that they will soon enter into a relationship and marriage.

After breaking up with the beautiful actress Citra Kirana, Ali Syakieb seems reluctant to flaunt photos with his new girlfriend. Instead, Ali seems busy with his career as an actor in soap operas.

However, recently the younger sister of Nabila Syakieb often posts photos with actress Margin Wieheerm. So, what do their close-up photos look like? Let's take a look.


1. Romantic Portraits and Gazing at Each Other

Who gets emotional seeing their portraits together? Although, in the portraits they are undergoing a skincare product photoshoot, their portraits manage to steal the attention of netizens. At that moment, they appeared romantic and gazed at each other. Margin even held Ali Syakieb's face like a couple.

The photo uploaded by the 32-year-old man immediately received various reactions from netizens. Starting from praising their compatibility, to praying for them to get married soon.

2. Cute Poses ala Photo Box

This is how Ali Syakieb and Margin Wieheerm showcase their adorable closeness in various poses. It seems like Ali and Margin's creative style can be tried by you and your partner. Because in this portrait, they show warm moments during the photoshoot.

Wearing matching outfits makes them even more suitable if they are truly in a special relationship. In some poses, the 19-year-old woman is seen holding Ali's hand and embracing him affectionately.

3. Hangout Together

The news of Ali Syakieb and Margin Wieheerm's closeness has actually been circulating since last year. However, recently their relationship has been strengthened with moments shared together on social media. This photo of the two of them shows that they are very similar. This is because both of them have Middle Eastern heritage. Do you agree that they are a good match?

4. Posting Photos Together

It is known that the closeness between Ali Syakieb and Margin Wieheerm was noticed by the public after they were caught on camera having a meal together at a restaurant. Often rumored to be together, it seems that they are becoming more comfortable posting photos together. Like in this photo, Ali Syakieb is seen sharing his togetherness with Margin.

5. Margin Doesn't Hesitate to Upload Moments Together

Not only Ali, Margin also uploaded the same moment. The difference is, Margin Wieheerm's upload is a photo collage. Although it doesn't provide a caption that shows their special relationship, the upload is also flooded with comments from netizens.

6. Eid Edition Portraits Are Equally Stunning

Approaching the Idul Fitri holiday, this portrait is equally stunning. Although they are in a photoshoot session, they already look very suitable posing like a couple on Idul Fitri. The woman born on July 8, 2000, looks very beautiful wearing a white outfit with a hijab decoration. The same goes for Ali who looks very handsome wearing a matching outfit.

7. Both Look Glamorous

This portrait is no longer a prewedding. It is known that they often participate in moments together during photoshoots. Like this portrait, both of them are wearing glamorous brownish-golden outfits. Posing back to back, they still look stunning.

Those are some series of portraits showing the closeness of Ali Syakieb and Margin Wieheerm, which have caught attention. What do you think? Are they officially dating?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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