Asila Maisa is the only child of presenter Ramzi and Avi Basalamah. At the age of 13, she has already shown her talent as a model.
At the end of last year, Asila went for Umrah with her family. What did she look like at that time? Let's see here.
Celebrity Children
Asila Maisa is the only child of presenter Ramzi and Avi Basalamah. At the age of 13, she has already shown her talent as a model.
At the end of last year, Asila went for Umrah with her family. What did she look like at that time? Let's see here.
Ramzi is very happy with his current life. Especially living harmoniously with his wife and only child. The three of them always appear united in every occasion.
Recently, Ramzi took his family for Umrah. Yes, precisely at the end of December 2019.
Ramzi's only child, Asila Maisa, also joined the Umrah group. And, of course, Ramzi entrusted a prayer during his Umrah journey.
"Alhamdulillah for everything, O Allah. Grant blessings for the past year and make the coming year easier. Bismillah.. From Madinah to Makkah," wrote Ramzi in one of his posts.
All three of them enjoyed their Umrah journey at that time. Especially Asila herself, as seen from various posts on Instagram.
Even Asila also looks sweet and beautiful in hijab. She looks more and more similar to her mother.
As is known, Asila was once in the spotlight when she appeared at JFW 2019. She is even not inferior to other professional models.
This is a portrait of Lovely, Angel Karamoy's beautiful and resembling daughter. The child has grown up and is now 11 years old.
Here is a lineup of celebrity posts that made it into the Weekly Hot Instagram list. Curious?
Nicky Tirta always shows his togetherness with his child. Not only that, he often posts pictures of the cakes he has made. And this is the excitement of Nicky Tirta.
Anang and Ashanty are actually good at teasing their daughter, Aurel Hermansyah.
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Inul Daratista always sets aside time with her small family.
Serra Abbie now looks more like her mother, Angie Virgin.
The talent of the country's jazz singer, Tompi, seems to have passed down to his children. His daughter, Ayesha, has released a song in English that she wrote herself.
This is the harmonious family of Okie Agustina. Now Okie's life is more colorful with her husband and four children. Let's see their compact portraits here.
Here are some parts of Nadya Hutagalung's house that are currently for sale.
Chelsea Olivia and her family have now returned to Jakarta and resumed their usual activities.
On Christmas Day yesterday, Bianca Alianajla celebrated it with Nigel Philo and also Meriam Bellina.