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7 Potret Kenangan Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno Acting Together in a Soap Opera, Becoming Beloved Couple

7 Potret Kenangan Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno Acting Together in a Soap Opera, Becoming Beloved Couple Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno (credit: instagram/asmirandah89) - Asmirandah was once one of the soap opera queens in her time. It was through a soap opera that Asmirandah got to know and became close with Jonas Rivanno, who is now her husband.

In her latest Instagram post, Asmirandah reminisced about the beautiful moments when she and Jonas Rivanno were brought together in a soap opera. In various photos that were uploaded, Asmirandah and Jonas already looked harmonious.

Curious about what memories Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno have when they acted together in the past? Let's take a look at some of their photos below.



1. Full of Memories

This is one of the portraits full of memories of Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno when they starred in the same soap opera. That moment became a very precious moment for Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno. Because that moment has brought them closer until they finally got married.



2. Always Harmonious

Now, after getting married, Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno are known as one of the most harmonious celebrities. From many old photos that have been shared, it is proven that the harmony between Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno has been evident since they were paired in the soap opera.



3. Have Strong Chemistry

During their time as a couple in the soap opera, Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno always gave their best performance. The strong chemistry between Asmirandah and Jonas at that time seemed to be a sign that they would be destined to be together in the future.



4. Make Baper

The strong chemistry between Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno in their previous soap opera always attracts attention. Not only highlighting, many viewers, especially mothers, were made baper (emotional) when they saw the acting of Asmirandah and Jonas before.



5. Previously Matched

Not only being made baper, there were quite a lot of viewers who matched Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno. Now, the viewers' matchmaking has borne sweet fruit, Asmirandah and Jonas finally got married and have a cute child.



6. Making Viewers Nostalgic

The old photo post of Asmirandah's memories when she played in a soap opera with Jonas Rivanno successfully caught the attention of netizens. Many netizens admitted to being carried away by nostalgia and remembered Asmirandah and Jonas' soap opera in the past.



7. Fans Are Anticipating Their Return

Not only indulging in nostalgia, some netizens even commented that they miss the acting showdown between Asmirandah and Jonas. Understandably, Asmirandah and Jonas have recently been known to limit their shooting activities.

Those are some of the old memories of Asmirandah when she starred in a soap opera with Jonas Rivanno. How about you, KLovers, do you also feel nostalgic?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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