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7 Romantic Portraits of Female AFI Alumni with Their Partners, Already Have Children to Become the Wife of an Official

7 Romantic Portraits of Female AFI Alumni with Their Partners, Already Have Children to Become the Wife of an Official


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7 Romantic Portraits of Female AFI Alumni with Their Partners, Already Have Children to Become the Wife of an Official

KLovers must still remember names like Mawar, Ve, and Latsmi. Yes, they are the graduates of Indosiar Fantasy Academy (AFI) in the first year (2004). It is a national music talent search event on television that has become a pioneer for several similar events. 

Over a dozen years have passed, let's take a look at the romantic portraits of some female AFI alumni from the first year with their partners. 


Mawar is the first participant of AFI (AFI 1) who comes from Bandung. Now, Mawar is married and has 2 children. 


In AFI 1, Mawar's struggle ended until the top 5 round. Mawar herself married a man named Steno Ricardo in 2012.


This woman named Ve Nazarina is a participant of AFI 1 from Surabaya. Ve married a singer from Papua named Nobo.


Just like Mawar, Ve also successfully made it to the top 5 round. They got married in 2012 and currently Ve and Nobo are still romantic and have been blessed with a child.


Yenny Rizkiyanti or Yenni AFI married Tommy Syen in 2015. Now they have been blessed with 2 adorable children.


Latsmi married Miyakawa Katsutoshi, the Head of the Consulate General of Japan in Makassar. She officially holds the status of a diplomat's wife.


Hera AFI has been married since 2009. Now Hera is focused on raising her 3 little champions.