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7 Warm Family Photos of Nisya Ahmad in the Latest Photoshoot, Beautiful Face Resembles Amy Qanita Becomes the Highlight

7 Warm Family Photos of Nisya Ahmad in the Latest Photoshoot, Beautiful Face Resembles Amy Qanita Becomes the Highlight

Celebrity Family

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7 Warm Family Photos of Nisya Ahmad in the Latest Photoshoot, Beautiful Face Resembles Amy Qanita Becomes the Highlight

The most precious treasure is family, that's the perfect expression for Nisya Ahmad's latest family photoshoot. Not only with their three children, Nisya Ahmad and Andika Rosadi also invited Amy Qanita for this special occasion. Let's take a look at the photos.


Family photos capture memories with loved ones, just like for Nisya Ahmad who is never far from her husband and three children.


Raffi Ahmad's younger sister feels that family is where everything begins and ends, regardless of what happens in her life.


Like the quote from Anthony Brandt mentioned by Nisya in her caption, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family."


Not only Atqia, Thareeq, Aeshya, and also Andika Rosadi, Nisya Ahmad involved Amy Qanita to take a photo together with their family.


When this mother and child took a photo together, many netizens were distracted by their resemblance. Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Nisya Ahmad, who is now 30 years old and has 3 children, still looks young and like a teenager, just like her mother.


Not to be missed, Nisya Ahmad also took a photo with her husband. Wow, it feels like a prewedding couple, right? Agree, KLovers?


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