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8 Celebrities Have Many Household Assistants, Some Even Have 20 People

8 Celebrities Have Many Household Assistants, Some Even Have 20 People

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8 Celebrities Have Many Household Assistants, Some Even Have 20 People

Having a large house and a relatively large family, these celebrities choose to use the services of household assistants. Not just a few, some even have more than 20 household assistants with their respective tasks. Who are they? Let's check it out here!


Couple Melaney Ricardo and Tyson Lynch are known to have seven household assistants. They employ four drivers and three household assistants. 


Presenter Ayu Dewi is known to employ 12 household assistants. Each assistant has tasks to take care of the children, personal assistants, and even for kitchen affairs. 


Ussy Sulistiawaty is also known to have many ART. From the vlogs she uploaded some time ago, Ussy has a total of 12 ART, ranging from drivers, security guards, kitchen staff, cleaning staff, to pool attendants.


Nia Ramadhani is not left behind either. Ardi Bakrie's wife has 15 ART in her house. She also has a nickname for each of them.


Always appearing glamorous, Syahrini has a special assistant to prepare her appearance, from makeup to wardrobe. It is also known that Reino Barack's wife has many assistants whom she often goes out with and has sent on pilgrimage trips.


One of the artists who has many household assistants (ART) is Anang Hermansyah's family. From Raffi Ahmad's vlog some time ago, it was known that there are 16 ART in his house. And each floor has its own respective staff.


Since moving to his new big house, it is known that Sule has around 17 assistants. There are those who specifically take care of his house, his collection of vehicles, and taking care of his children.


And the celebrity with the most household assistants is Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina's family. Raffi said that he has around 50 ART divided into more than 20 household assistants and the rest are workers in RANS Entertainment.