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8 Hot Photos of Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo's Vacation in Bali, Kissing on the Beach - Bathing Together in the Bathtub

8 Hot Photos of Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo's Vacation in Bali, Kissing on the Beach - Bathing Together in the Bathtub


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8 Hot Photos of Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo's Vacation in Bali, Kissing on the Beach - Bathing Together in the Bathtub

Celebrity couple, Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo are currently enjoying their vacation in the Island of Gods, Bali. During their time there, they don't want to miss any romantic moments. 

Not only romantic, here are a series of hot moments of Ganindra Bimo and Andrea Dian's vacation together, from kissing on the beach to bathing together in the bathtub.

8 Hot Photos of Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo's Vacation in Bali, Kissing on the Beach - Bathing Together in the Bathtub

Although only a silhouette, it is clear that Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo are kissing.


Bimo also gives a warm kiss to Andrea by landing his lips on his wife's cheek. 


They seem to be enjoying themselves bathing together in a bathtub with lots of foam.


It's hilarious, as Bimo's face is completely covered in foam, while Andrea strikes a ballerina pose.


Here, they also look very romantic and hot as they bring their lips closer.

8 Hot Photos of Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo's Vacation in Bali, Kissing on the Beach - Bathing Together in the Bathtub

It's also evident that Andrea is having a great time playing with and blowing the foam.

8 Hot Photos of Andrea Dian and Ganindra Bimo's Vacation in Bali, Kissing on the Beach - Bathing Together in the Bathtub

This vacation moment is also very special for Andrea, as it coincides with her birthday.


And they had a dinner together to celebrate Andrea's birthday. It was romantic.


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