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8 Japanese Dramas Suitable for Watching with Family Highest Ratings, Have Many Life Lessons

8 Japanese Dramas Suitable for Watching with Family Highest Ratings, Have Many Life Lessons Japanese Drama Suitable for Watching with Family Highest Rating (credit: - Watching Japanese dramas can be a fun activity with family. Some Japanese dramas not only entertain, but also convey important values like some Japanese dramas that are suitable for watching with the highest ratings.

This drama conveys many messages about togetherness, hard work, and family love, making it an ideal choice to be enjoyed with loved ones. Of course, with inspiring stories of struggle and heartwarming stories that touch the heart.

What are the Japanese dramas? Here is a list of Japanese dramas that are suitable for watching with the highest ratings that you can watch. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. 1 LITRE NO NAMIDA (2005)

Rating9.0 Mydramalist
Episode11 episode
Durasi45 menit
TayangFuji TV
PemainSawajiri Erika, Nishikido Ryo, Yakushimaru Hiro

Drama Jepang yang cocok ditonton bareng keluarga rating tertinggi pertama ada drama berjudul 1 LITRE NO NAMIDA. Drama ini berkisah tentang Aya Ikeuchi, gadis 15 tahun yang ceria. Namun, Aya mulai mengalami gejala aneh seperti sering jatuh dan berjalan dengan cara yang aneh.

Khawatir, ibunya, Shioka, membawanya ke dokter. Dan dokter mendiagnosis Aya dengan degenerasi spinocerebellar, penyakit yang menyebabkan serebelum otak memburuk secara bertahap hingga penderitanya tidak bisa berjalan, berbicara, menulis, ataupun makan.

2. MOTHER (2010)

Rating8.6 Mydramalist
Episode11 episodes
Duration54 minutes
CastMatsuyuki Yasuko, Ashida Mana, Ono Machiko

Japanese drama suitable for family viewing, the second highest rated drama titled MOTHER. It tells the story of elementary school teacher Suzuhara Nao who decides to kidnap her student, Michiki Rena, after finding out that the girl is being abused by her mother.

They both flee from Hokkaido to Tokyo and face various events along the way. Nao acts as a surrogate mother to Rena, who experiences love and familial affection for the first time. It becomes a quite touching story.


Rating7.9 Mydramalist
Episode12 episode
Durasi45 menit
TayangFuji TV
PemainToyokawa Etsushi, Ashida Mana, Nakatani Miki

Lanjut, di tahun 2012 ada drama Jepang yang cocok ditonton bareng keluarga rating tertinggi berjudul BEAUTIFUL RAIN. Dram ini berkisah tentang seorang gadis kecil bernama Mana yang mendukung ayahnya, Etsushi, yang didiagnosis menderita Alzheimer.

Ketika penyakit ayahnya semakin memburuk, Mana berusaha membantu ayahnya mengingat hal-hal sederhana dan merawatnya setiap hari. Meski usianya masih muda, Mana menunjukkan ketabahan luar biasa, selalu berada di sisi ayahnya untuk menghibur dan memberikan dukungan.

4. TONBI (2013)

Rating8.5 Mydramalist
Episode10 episode
Durasi54 menit
PemainUchino Seiyou, Satoh Takeru, Igarashi Hinata

Di tahun 2013 ada drama Jepang yang cocok ditonton bareng keluarga rating tertinggi berjudul TONBI. Drama ini berfokus pada perjalanan hidup Ichikawa Yasuo, atau Yasu, dikenal sebagai pria "bodoh" yang tidak bersekolah, kasar, dan mudah marah. Meski demikian, Yasu adalah seorang ayah yang penyayang bagi putra semata wayangnya.

Setelah tumbuh tanpa orang tua, dia dan istrinya menjalani hidup bahagia bersama putra mereka, Akira. Namun, ketika Akira berusia 3 tahun, istri Yasu tewas dalam kecelakaan. Walaupun dilanda kesedihan dan rasa bersalah, Yasu berusaha bangkit dari rasa sedihnya dan membesarkan Akira seorang diri hingga dewasa dengan bantuan teman-temannya.


Rating8.3 Mydramalist
Episode9 episode
Durasi60 menit
PemainAshida Mana, Suzuki Rio, Shirota Yu

Drama ASHITA, MAMA GA INAI is also included in the list of Japanese dramas that are suitable for watching with family, with the highest ratings that you shouldn't miss. Maki's mother is arrested by the police for assault, so Maki is temporarily placed in the Kogamo no Ie orphanage.

There, she meets Post, a strong and positive young girl who becomes the leader of the orphanage. Although Post has lost her parents, she remains tough and respected by her friends, Piami and Bonbi. These girls have let go of the names given to them by their parents.

And they prefer new nicknames to erase painful memories. Post suggests to Maki to forget her past for her own happiness. However, Maki still hopes that her mother will come and pick her up again after being released.


Rating8.1 Mydramalist
Episode9 episode
Durasi46 menit
TayangFuji TV
PemainArimura Kasumi, Hayashi Kento, Takahashi Kaito

Kemudian ada drama berjudul OUR SISTER'S SOULMATE. Drama Jepang yang cocok ditonton bareng keluarga rating tertinggi ini berkisah ketika Momoko Adachi saat masih di sekolah menengah, orang tuanya meninggal dalam kecelakaan, meninggalkan ia bersama tiga adiknya.

Untuk menghidupi keluarganya, Momoko mengorbankan impiannya untuk melanjutkan ke universitas dan bekerja di toko perangkat keras. Hingga suatu hari di tempat kerja, Momoko bertemu dengan Yoshioka, seorang pria yang membuat Momoko tertarik padanya, tetapi Yoshioka memiliki rahasia.


Rating8.2 Mydramalist
Episode120 episodes
Duration15 minutes
CastKiyohara Kaya, Uchino Seiyou, Suzuki Kyoka

Recommended Japanese drama suitable for family viewing with the highest rating is the drama titled WELCOME BACK, MONE. It tells the story of Momone Nagaura who moves to Tome city after graduating from high school but fails to enter university. Eventually, she works as an internship guide in the forest.

One day, she meets a famous weather forecaster from Tokyo who claims to be able to predict the future. Inspired, Momone decides to become a weather forecaster. Several years later, when a big typhoon approaches Japan, Momone returns to her hometown to help the residents there.

8. 0.5 NO OTOKO (2023)

Rating8.1 Mydramalist
Episode5 episode
Durasi60 menit
PemainMatsuda Ryuhei, Usuda Asami, Shiratori Tamaki

And in 2023 there is a Japanese drama suitable for watching with the highest ratings titled 0.5 NO OTOKO. This drama tells the story of the Tachibana family, where there is Masaharu Tachibana, a 40-year-old unemployed and socially withdrawn man.

One day, he has to move to his sister's house. Masaharu faces challenges in helping with household chores and is considered strange by his nephew. Through a change in environment, Masaharu learns to interact with people in social life.

Those are some Japanese dramas suitable for watching with the highest ratings that offer exciting and touching watching experiences. They also teach valuable lessons that can be enjoyed by all family members.


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