Inara Rusli is now flooded with job offers, as seen in her IG posts. From TikTok lives, MCing, to endorsements. Despite having haters, Inara remains unfazed and chooses to work for her children. Read more here!
Celebrity Activities
Inara Rusli is now flooded with job offers, as seen in her IG posts. From TikTok lives, MCing, to endorsements. Despite having haters, Inara remains unfazed and chooses to work for her children. Read more here!
Here is one of Inara Rusli's latest portraits, where she looks even more stunning in her latest photoshoot.
Her already known beauty and charm seem to be skyrocketing at the moment. In fact, this post is flooded with praises from netizens.
Among the many compliments she received, one netizen called her as beautiful as a doll.
There are also netizens who compared her beauty to the alleged mistress of Virgoun.
"Tenri insecure gak tuh, sama Inara level cakepnya jauh amat," tutur seorang netizen. Kendati demikian, Inara yang kini kian dikenal ternyata sempat disindir kakak Virgoun.
Dalam sebuah kesempatan kakak Virgoun sempat menyindir Inara seperti kacang yang lupa kulitnya. Sindiran tersebut rupanya ditanggapi dengan santai dan menohok oleh Inara.
"Kacang lupa kulitnya, kalau orang yang bijak waktu itu pernah ngajarin aku, kalau makan kacang kulitnya harus dibuang, kalau dimakan sama kulitnya ngeres," pungkas Inara Rusli.
Terlepas dari aksi saling sindirnya dengan sang kakak ipar, kini Inara Rusli sudah bisa dibilang sebagai pendatang baru di dunia hiburan yang kebanjiran job usai membongkar perselingkuhan sang suami.
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This time, Mikha Tambayong is in the spotlight because her arms are said to be small like dolls.