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8 Photos of Fadly Faisal and Fuji as Sibling Goals, Taking Care of Gala Together - Now Starting to Smile Again

8 Photos of Fadly Faisal and Fuji as Sibling Goals, Taking Care of Gala Together - Now Starting to Smile Again Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah (credit: - The names Fuji and Fadly are currently in the public spotlight. Because now both of them are known to be equally taking care of Gala Sky Andriansyah, the only child of Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah.

The departure of celebrity couple Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah indeed left a deep sorrow. Moreover, they left behind a toddler named Gala Sky Andriansyah.

Regardless of that, the figures of Fuji and Fadly, who are Vanessa Angel's brothers-in-law, have successfully caught the attention of netizens. Besides their handsome looks, they are also known to be very close siblings.

Moreover, recently they spent their vacation together in Bali with Gala Sky Andriansyah. The happy smiles from both of them can now be seen again after the departure of Vanessa and Bibi. Want to know what the picture looks like? Let's check out the review below, KLovers.

1. Sibling Goals

Since the departure of Vanessa Angel and Febri Andriansyah on November 4, 2021, both sides of the family have been in the public spotlight. Like Fuji and Fadly, Vanessa Angel's siblings-in-law, they are known to be quite close during her lifetime.

Fuji and Fadly are even known as siblings who are very close in every moment. It's no wonder that the term 'sibling goals' is suitable for both of them. Like in this photo, when Fadly and Fuji spent their vacation together in Bali.

2. Age Difference of 4 Years

Nowadays, Fadly and Fuji's personal lives always make the public curious. One of them is about their profiles, which are equally under the spotlight. Fadly's full name is Fadly Faisal. Fuji's older brother is now known to be 21 years old. Meanwhile, Fuji's full name is Fuji Utami Putri. Fuji was born on November 3, 2004, which means she has just turned 17 years old. With only a 4-year age difference, it's no wonder that the closeness between these siblings is so intimate and strong.

3. Mutual Attention

Looking at various photos on their personal social media accounts, Fuji and Fadly indeed seem to pay attention to each other. On special occasions like their birthdays, they also don't forget to give sweet greetings and attention to each other. Even their father revealed that Fadly is always by his sister's side, who now has a busy schedule.

4. Funny and Exciting Siblings

Fadly and Fuji are also known as funny and exciting siblings. Yes, looking at their various photos together, it is clear that Fadly and Fuji are really fun siblings. In fact, back when their late sister Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah were still alive, they also appeared to be equally funny with their own excitement.

Like in this photo, you can see their funny pose in a story on Instagram. Taking a selfie together with a caption that is equally funny, it can already depict how cool these siblings are.

"There's a pimple behind us." Fadly Faisal wrote in the caption of the Instagram story @fadlyfsl_

5. Mischievous but Loving

Like typical siblings, teasing each other can strengthen the bond of their relationship. The same goes for Fadly and Fuji, several moments show their sweet togetherness. As an older sibling, Fadly doesn't miss the opportunity to tease his beloved sibling. Although mischievous, this can be seen as an expression of their love and affection in a different way.

6. Caring for Gala Together

Gala Sky Andriansyah, the only child of Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah, is now known to be taken care of by Bibi's family. Fuji and Fadly are also equally committed to caring for Gala since the departure of both parents. Moreover, Gala is very close to Fuji, who is affectionately called Uti. Not only Fuji, Gala is also very close to Fadly, whom he calls Ai. Fadly and Fuji are committed to caring for Gala Sky Andriansyah together, as seen in this picture when they took Gala on vacation together.

7. Supporting Each Other

Fuji and Fadly also support each other. Especially after the departure of their two older siblings, Fuji and Fadly have been a great source of strength for one another. They even attended the Mom and Kids Award 2021 event together recently, representing Gala Sky Andriansyah. Fuji and Fadly are also seen supporting each other's careers.

8. Start Smiling Again

The departure of both Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah for Fadly and Fuji certainly left a deep sorrow. Especially since Vanessa and Bibi left suddenly forever. It's no wonder that the sadness of losing loved ones is not easy for them to forget. Nevertheless, slowly both Fuji and Fadly have started to rise again. The smiles of happiness from both of them can now be seen again. Like in this picture, when Fadly and Fuji capture the exciting moment of their vacation in Bali.

Those are some of the united pictures of Fuji and Fadly that are really sibling goals. What do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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